HollywoodChicago.com Hookup Story: 10 'President Barack Obama: The Man and His Journey' DVDs

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This submission form is for the HollywoodChicago.com Hookup for 10 “President Barack Obama: The Man and His Journey” DVDs. To win a free DVD, you must be among the first 10 people to submit a Barack Obama story using this confidential Web-based submission form.

To be eligible, you must have a HollywoodChicago.com site account and include your name, e-mail and physical mailing address when submitting this form. If you don’t already have a site account, you can create one here. All personal information will be kept strictly confidential.

If you win, your mailing address will only be used to mail your DVD to you and will not be sold or shared anywhere else. The DVD street date for “President Barack Obama: The Man and His Journey” is Jan. 20, 2009, which is Barack Obama’s inauguration day.

You MUST submit a Barack Obama story to win!
You MUST submit your name, e-mail and mailing address. We will keep this confidential.

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