On-Air Film Review: B.J. Novak's ‘Vengeance’ T’is Ours, Sayeth We

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CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com appears on “The Morning Mess” with Ben Thompson on WBGR-FM (Monroe, Wisconsin) on July 29th, reviewing “Vengeance,” which is written, directed and features B.J. Novak of “The Office,” opening in theaters beginning July 29th.

HollywoodChicago.com Oscarman rating: 4.5/5.0
Rating: 4.5/5.0

B.J. Novak portrays Ben, a dyed in the wool New Yorker who works as a podcaster for New Yorker Magazine. When the family of an old hook-up named Abilene (Lio Tipton) calls to tell him that she died, they expect him to come to the funeral, thinking he was her boyfriend. Curious, he goes to her Texas hometown, and finds an unexpected story that Abilene might have been murdered, and it would make a great podcast. He stays with Abilene’s family, including overly affectionate brother Ty (Boyd Holbrook) and kid brother nicknamed El Stupido (Eli Bickel). The townsfolk include a philosophical record producer named Quentin (Ashton Kutcher) and prime suspect Sancholo (Zach Villa). Nothing is what it seems.

“Vengeance” opens in theaters on July 29th. Featuring B.J. Novak, Eli Bickel, Boyd Holbrook, Zach Villa, Lio Tipton and Ashton Kutcher. Written and directed by B.J. Novak. Rated “R”

StarCLICK HERE for Patrick McDonald’s on-air review of “Vengeance”

Photo credit: Focus Features

StarCLICK HERE for Patrick McDonald’s on-air review of “Vengeance”

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