New Page: /steprightup; ‘The Dark Knight’ Prologue Revealed

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Moments ago, I received via e-mail from a new message and code for “The Dark Knight” viral marketing.

Heads up, clown! Tomorrow means that there’s one last shifty step left in the interview process: Arwoeufgryo

By moving each letter one to the right on a QWERTY keyboard, the word “steprightup” is spelled.

This led to a new page at the URL with a countdown to 12 p.m. EST on Dec. 4 along with a stuffed monkey with an exposed stomach.

The Dark Knight,, Step Right Up

If you set your system clock to noon on Tuesday (as was the answer to the /mausoleum riddle), the countdown changes to zero and nothing happens.

In other news, Wizard revealed the first six minutes of “The Dark Knight” from a screening shown in New York City. Warning: Spoilers follow.

Kicking off with a sweeping shot of downtown Gotham, the camera zooms in above a few buildings before focusing in on a single, traditional skyscraper covered in windows.

Suddenly, one window in the skyscraper explodes outward [and exposes] two criminals inside.

Donning clown masks and standing with a rifle, the two criminals shoot a grappling hook across a busy street below to the next building: the Gotham National Bank.

The two then slide across using a zip line.

On the street below, a man stands [with] his face unseen as the shot creeps up from behind [and] a clown mask slung in his grip. A van suddenly screeches up before he climbs inside and the van hauls off again.

Inside, there are now three men all wearing clown masks. They begin negatively discussing their boss and how he’s sitting out the heist.

“The guy thinks he can sit out and get a cut?,” laughs one man. “Must be why they call him the Joker!”

Back on the bank’s roof, the two men we first saw now shimmy into the bank’s security wiring while also discussing the boss.

“Why do you think they call him Joker?,” asks one. “I hear it’s [because] he wears make-up,” answers the other. “Like war paint.”

Suddenly – below – the three men blast into the bank. [They demand] money and [command] everybody to the floor.

Back on the roof, the two criminals intercept the outgoing emergency alarm set off by an employee. After they cancel its signal, one of the men shoots the other and heads inside for the vault.

Back inside, the clown gunmen hand all the hostages live grenades. “We wouldn’t want your hands free, would we?,” asks one with a laugh.

Continue reading the prologue description here.

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