More Clickbait from the Media

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A recent story that would normally be a matter handled within the workplace has seemingly blown up in the media. Sensationalist stories have recently focused on the actions of a man whose coworker stated that he touched her inappropriately, which turns out to have been a “side hug.”

This remains the kind of incident that is usually handled by a Human Resources department, and it was.

When the woman decided that she needed to report the incidents, she really just wanted the man to have an opportunity to get educated as to how to properly interact with co-workers. She reportedly said that she just hoped he would have to watch a short video to help inform him about why the way he acted could be viewed as unacceptable. While actions were taken by the television network, and the producer went through the requested training, the woman ended up leaving the network.

It is true that the man was required to take an educational course, which he completed. Now she’s left the show based on her claims the network reduced her duties because of her complaint, having nothing to do with the initial complaint which was in her mind completely resolved as she hoped.

Ultimately, the woman’s request was fulfilled, as the man completed the educational training that she wanted. He completed his responsibility and nothing else happened between them. Her leaving the set was a result of a dispute between her and the network.

So why now is the media eating this story up and spitting it back out to make it sound like everything is this man’s fault? It is one thing for a company to impose unfair penalties on someone for calling attention to the improper conduct of another employee, while it is entirely another to relate everything back to a prior incident that seemingly has nothing to do with anything. If there really was an issue with the way that this network treated the woman, shouldn’t the media attention be focused on the network and its improper handling of the situation, rather than on the man and his actions that he took steps to remedy?

Unfortunately, because one of these people have notable names, most of the media takes any opportunity it can to emphasize a situation of conflict between two people. A salacious celebrity tale of a man mis-treating a woman gets more views than a story about a company failing its employee. The disappointing reality is that some media outlets will drag a person’s name through the dirt to get more hits on a story.

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