Raindance "Does your trailer work?" Workshop, Nov. 15

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An essential task for marketing your film, be it documentary or narrative is cutting a trailer, which might seem easy enough but will it really do what you need it to do? Does your trailer work? Is it representing your film accurately and interestingly? What traps are you falling into, or what could you be doing to better serve your film and your goals?

Raindance NYC, the film festival that started 18 years ago in London and that is now offering film training classes, is now offering a unique opportunity for documentary and narrative filmmakers to learn the techniques and methods used to build effective trailers and gain direct feedback for YOUR own trailer.

Veteran Sundance Documentary Programming Associate Basil Tsiokos and experienced independent producer Trevite Willis will be reviewing your own promotional material in advance of the class. The trailers will then be screened and discussed with an audience so that the attendees can offer feedback as well, thus helping you craft the trailer you need to get your film the attention it deserves.

Whether you are a filmmaker looking for an audience, promotion for a festival or even for investment and funding, this workshop is designed for you.

Make sure you pre-register so your film is included on our schedule, we ask for material no longer than 5 mins in length sent to us by November 7th at midnight so that we can properly review it in time for screening. Space is limited so sign up now: http://www.raindance.co.uk/site/raindance-trailer-workshop-nyc

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