JIM reviews film "PAPER HEART" -- "Love" means Never having to say "It's TRUE"

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PAPER HEART” — “Love” means Never having to say “It’s TRUE” —

Rating: 7.5 of 10 stars. =

In this movie, comedienne / Musician CHARLENE YI decides to work with her friend Nick Jasenovec (played by JAKE M. JOHNSON) to make a film about LOVE and what people think about it. Charlene herself claims she does not really BELIEVE in love & doubts she’ll ever feel it. She & Jake thus set out across the country to interview people on their opinions regarding the subject. While they visit some big cities, they spend a lot of time in smaller ones such as Lubbock & Amarillo TX & Oklahoma City to ask people (especially long-lasting couples) about their experiences & thoughts on the matter, how they met, etc.

At one point, Charlene is introduced to Nick’s friend MICHAEL CERA, & he takes a “shine” to Charlene (who’s still “skeptical” about being able to feel real love). In time, Jake sets to filming virtually all contact (no matter how “awkward”) between the couple. This segment (a large part of the often-humorous film) is “MADE-UP” rather than a real “documentation” of facts, & I was concerned with how it would “blend” in with the actual documentary footage (which was frequently fascinating & heartfelt). I was surprised at how EFFECTIVELY presented the combination was, with Cera his usual finely “understated” self & Charlene regularly believable. You actually grow to care about the various denizens in the film, and end up feeling sort of sorry at the “withering” conclusion.

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