HollywoodChicago.com Hookup: 25 ‘Megamind’ Early Movie Passes Plus 5 Xbox 360, 5 Wii, 5 DS Video Games

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CHICAGOMassive giveaway! In our latest edition of HollywoodChicago.com Hookup: Film, we have 25 admit-two advance-screening movie tickets up for grabs to the new film “Megamind” along with five Xbox 360, five Nintendo Wii and five Nintendo DS video games!

This advance screening is on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in downtown Chicago. “Megamind” stars Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, David Cross, Justin Theroux, Ben Stiller, J.K. Simmons, Emily Nordwind, Tom McGrath and Jessica Schulte from director Tom McGrath and writers Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons.

To win your free “Megamind” movie pass or video game, all you need to do is answer our question in this Web-based submission form. That’s it! Directions to enter this HollywoodChicago.com Hookup and immediately win can be found beneath the graphic below.

The movie poster for Megamind with Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Tina Fey
The movie poster for “Megamind” with Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Tina Fey.
Image credit: DreamWorks Animation

Here is the plot description for “Megamind”:

Megamind is the most brilliant super villain the world has ever known – and the least successful. Over the years, he has tried to conquer Metro City in every imaginable way.

Each attempt is a colossal failure thanks to the caped superhero known as Metro Man until the day Megamind actually defeats him in the throes of one of his botched evil plans. Suddenly, the fate of Metro City is threatened as chaos runs rampant. That leaves everyone to wonder: Can the world’s biggest “mind” actually be the one to save the day? “Megamind” will be released in 3D, IMAX 3D and theatres on Nov. 5, 2010.

The movie trailer for “Megamind” can be watched now below.

Megamind: Mega Team Unite on Wii

Nintendo Wii game: “Megamind: Mega Team Unite”
Mega villains make the best mega heroes!
Grab your friends and pick your favorite mega characters (including Megamind) as you battle your way through the world of DreamWorks’ “Megamind: Mega Team Unite” on the Wii! Check out more here.

Nintendo DS game: “Megamind: The Blue Defender”
Mega villains make the best mega heroes!
Become the on-the-go mega hero Megamind in DreamWorks’ “Megamind: The Blue Defender” on Nintendo DS! Put an end to the Doom Syndicate’s newly unleashed crime wave on the city. Check out more here.

Xbox 360 game: “Megamind: Ultimate Showdown”
Mega villains make the best mega heroes!
Step into the role of Megamind in “Megamind: Ultimate Showdown” on Xbox 360 and save the day by facing off against Tighten and his new group of super villains! Check out more here.

Megamind: Ultimate Showdown on Xbox 360

To score your movie pass or video game, you must be logged into your HollywoodChicago.com Web site account. If you don’t yet have one, you can quickly register here. Having a free Web site account with a valid e-mail address is required to win this HollywoodChicago.com Hookup.

Next, simply answer our question. You must submit your answer using this confidential, Web-based submission form. Please do not comment in this Hookup. Your entry will be invalid if you only comment here and don’t submit into our Web-based form. Please only submit your answer using this submission form.

In your submission, you must include your first and last name, e-mail address, physical mailing address and which video game console (if any) you own. Your personal information will not be sold or shared, will be kept strictly confidential and is only for awarding winning entries. Please answer our question below.

Megamind: The Blue Defender on Nintendo DS

Star Which is better in a fight: brain, brawn or a balance of both?

This Hookup is simple: 40 HollywoodChicago.com readers will be selected as the winners of our free “Megamind” Hookup (25 admit-two movie passes and 15 video games)! The winners will be mailed their video games at our expense. The movie passes will be awarded via e-mail. Good luck!

HollywoodChicago.com editor-in-chief and publisher Adam Fendelman


© 2010 Adam Fendelman, HollywoodChicago.com LLC

Sally's picture

Brain or Brawn

First, I’m shocked ! Shocked ! that Brad Pitt is voicing a cartoon.

Which is better? Brain of course. You can talk and think your way out of a dangerous situation. Think of using your brawn as a backup.

megancpa1@yahoo.com's picture

What's better:

You need brains to think of what is the best thing to do and brawn to carry it out.

Jessica's picture

Super Duper BOTH!!!

Balance of both is the best answer…why? Because the best of any two worlds will always be the best for anyone. For example, if Batman only had strength or “brawn” then he would not ever have been quick-witted enough to offset the wrath of Joker for sooo long. And if Batman only had “brains” and lacked brawn then he would have been easily murdered by any one of those who disliked him. Balance of both is the answer for ordinary people on up to MegaMind and every other super hero!!!

FreeM0vie's picture

A balance of both

A balance of both

homiegfunk03's picture

I’m gonna go against the

I’m gonna go against the grain and go brawn. If you can’t be hurt regardless of the strategy of the other person you’re set in a fight.

goosebumps0310's picture


Brain…how else would you know anything. Anyway, brain over matter

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