Video Game Review: ‘Jak and Daxter Collection’ Shows Incredible Influence

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CHICAGO – Hey kiddies, before Naughty Dog won all of your personal Game of the Year Awards for the amazing “Uncharted” franchise, they developed an incredible and influential series of games with the wonderful characters of Jak and Daxter. In fact, if you took an informal poll of the characters still stuck in the last generation that fans would most want to see given a next-gen upgrade, they would probably come close to the top of the list (another might be another ND property, “Crash Bandicoot”). I’d LOVE a “Jak and Daxter” PS3 game. Buy this excellent set, so Sony and Naughty Dog will be forced to make it so. Video Game Rating: 4.0/5.0
Video Game Rating: 4.0/5.0

A notable trend over the last couple years has been HD upgrades of classic games, including must-buy sets for “God of War,” “Ico & Shadow of the Colossus,” and “Metal Gear Solid.” “Silent Hill” is getting the same treatment soon. Only the most beloved and influential games (at least so far) are getting these upgrades. And when the trend started, the first two franchises I thought of were “Hill” and the “Jak” games. I’ve played so many games since these titles that I only vaguely remembered them but I had a memory of them being incredibly influential in the world of platforming games. There are certain games and franchises that don’t just refine what came before but improve on it, forever changing their genre (“Doom,” “Donkey Kong 64,” “Grand Theft Auto”). “Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy” is one of those games.

Jak and Daxter Collection
Jak and Daxter Collection
Photo credit: Sony

All three games have been upgraded to 720p and given (a few) trophies but it’s the strength of the original titles and not the upgrades that matter here. You won’t mistake these for 2012 games. Although, to be fair, they look better than any title from 2001-04 that you could possibly put in your machine. But it’s the games themselves and the value of getting three on one disc, not their HD polish, that make this collection a great purchase.

Jak and Daxter Collection
Jak and Daxter Collection
Photo credit: Sony

The first thing one notices about 2001’s “Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy” is the freedom of movement. In 2001, most games were still essentially linear if not completely side-scrolling. You went down a straight line from point A to point B and dodged what was in your way. The first game has a path, for sure, but being able to move right and left to avoid enemies was, believe it or not, kinda revolutionary. And the freedom of choice was notable as well. Like many platforming games of the time, you get a task or quest from someone (usually a collection quest) and then you go and complete it. But the decision on where to go first, what enemies to fight and which ones to avoid, and even when to progress to the next level and just stop wandering around — these were landmark steps in gaming.

The second two games feel notably different. There’s more of a reliance on vehicles, even racing, and they feel more futuristic. They also introduce weaponry to the franchise (where the first game was a lot more bouncing and pushing). The second two games remind one more of the “Ratchet & Clank” series and, especially in the vehicle portions, actually seem to show their age a bit more than the first.

Here’s what’s most important — all three games are still a ton of platforming fun. If you’re a younger gamer who has only played modern platformers like Nintendo’s “Donkey Kong” or “Super Mario Bros.” Wii games or the amazing “Ratchet” games, you will not only enjoy playing these three titles but understand a bit more about the history of gaming. The HD upgrades are nice but I really like about these collections are the chance for younger gamers to experience a bit of gaming history at an amazing price. Don’t miss this one.

“Jak and Daxter Collection” was released by Sony for the PlayStation 3 on February 7th, 2012. It is rated E-T. content director Brian Tallerico

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