Film Review: ‘The Huntsman: Winter’s War’ is a Bloated Bore

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CHICAGO – This new Hollywood fairy tale does have one thing in common with the bedtime stories of old…it may lull you to sleep in the first 30 minutes. “The Huntsman: Winter’s War” is a special effects extravaganza where the effects aren’t special, the story is thin, and almost all the actors seem to have been allowed or even encouraged to indulge their worst impulses. Oscarman rating: 1.5/5.0
Rating: 1.5/5.0

If the original “Snow White and The Huntsman” is remembered at all, it’s more likely for the offscreen drama surrounding it rather than what ended up in the movie itself. This sequel is automatically superior to that drab, brooding, and slow moving mass of mediocrity by the simple fact that it does not star Kristin Stewart.

Instead we focus on Charlize Theron’s wicked queen, and her sister Freya (Emily Blunt), who is essentially and even more vindictive and messed Elsa from “Frozen.” After a traumatic event, Freya conquers the kingdoms of the north enslaving her empire in an eternal winter. For reasons that don’t make sense even by fairytale standards, she also steals the children of her conquered kingdoms and turns them into an elite fighting force called The Huntsman.

”The Huntsman: Winter’s War” opens everywhere on April 22nd. Featuring Chris Hemsworth, Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt, Jessica Chastain, Liam Neeson and Nick Frost. Written by Evan Spiliotopoulous and Craig Mazin. Directed by Cedric Nicholas-Troyan. Rated “PG-13”

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Winter’s War I
Wicked: Emily Blunt and Charlize Theron in ‘The Huntsman: Winter’s War’
Photo credit: Universal Pictures

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