
Video Game Review: ‘Forza Horizon’ Takes Series Down New Roads

CHICAGO – I’ve spent hours driving around the varied landscapes of “Forza Horizon” and I’m still not 100% sure what to make of it. It’s undeniably accomplished in terms of what matters most to driving game fans — the mechanics behind the wheel — and shouldn’t that be all that really matters?

Video Game Review: ‘Fable III’ Transports Players to Another World

CHICAGO – The fully-realized world of Albion returns in the very-good “Fable III,” a game that seems to have been dismissed too readily by fans expecting a more radical departure from “Fable II” but that will almost certainly be embraced throughout the upcoming holiday season and beyond. Despite a relatively-disappointing ending, this is one of the most-mesmerizing games of 2010.

Video Game Review: Repetitive ‘Crackdown 2’ Addictive But Disappointing

Crackdown 2

CHICAGO – The highly-anticipated “Crackdown 2” has sucked in many Microsoft Xbox 360 players this month with its promise of controlled chaos, but does it live up to the expectations? With echoes of far-superior games “InFAMOUS” and “Just Cause 2” ringing in players’ ears, even hardcore fans will have to admit some disappointment but there’s still something oddly addictive about this relatively simple game.

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