The Wise Kids

DVD Review: Masterful ‘The Wise Kids’ Avoids Stereotypes, Opts for Honesty

The Wise Kids DVD

CHICAGO – There was no film in 2012 that moved me more deeply or left me feeling more exhilarated than Stephen Cone’s achingly personal masterpiece, “The Wise Kids.” It’s the sort of film that I’ve been hoping to see get made for quite some time. Whereas so many films about people of faith rely on condescending stereotypes to push a contrived agenda, Cone’s picture is humanistic in every sense of the word.

Film Feature: The 10 Most Overlooked Films of 2012

CHICAGO – The wider range of films critics see during a single year, the less susceptible they are to the inevitable onslaught of expensive awards campaigns. Just because a studio can bark the loudest doesn’t mean its product has any bite.

Film News: Matt Fagerholm Chats About ‘Cloud Atlas’ on Vocalo 89.5FM

Vocalo October 2012

CHICAGO – writer Matt Fagerholm will chat about the latest independent films on Vocalo 89.5FM from 9:30am to 10am on Friday, October 26th. Topics will include Tom Tykwer, Andy and Lana Wachowski’s hugely ambitious adaptation of David Mitchell’s acclaimed 2004 novel, “Cloud Atlas,” which opens in theaters on Friday, October 26th.

Film News: Matt Fagerholm Chats About Indie Film on Vocalo 89.5

The Wise Kids on Vocalo

CHICAGO – critic Matt Fagerholm will chat about the latest independent films on Chicago’s Vocalo 89.5 station from 9am to 9:30am on Friday, September 28th. Topics will include Stephen Cone’s acclaimed indie drama, “The Wise Kids,” which is scheduled to have a week-long run at the Gene Siskel Film Center beginning Friday, October 26th.

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