HollywoodChicago.com Hookup: Limited-Edition Water.org Bottle With Matt Damon-Signed Thank You

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CHICAGO – In our inaugural edition of HollywoodChicago.com Hookup: Charity, we have one limited-edition water bottle with a Matt Damon-signed thank you up for grabs in support of the global, non-profit joint effort by Water.org, CamelBak and Matt Damon to raise awareness about the planet’s unsafe water crisis!

Thanks to Water.org co-founders Matt Damon and Gary White, Water.org has launched a water campaign called “Hope in a Bottle”. In partnership with CamelBak, Water.org has developed a limited-edition, reusable and environmentally friendly water bottle.

The campaign is running through the holiday season and the bottle can only be purchased at http://gift.water.org with 100 percent of the profits going directly to Water.org projects around the globe. HollywoodChicago.com has secured one of these water bottles plus a Matt Damon-signed card as a thank you to one of our lucky readers!

All in the true spirit of giving, Hope in a Bottle gives you the chance to give a meaningful and original gift to a loved one for the holidays while giving clean water to someone in need. Everyone who buys a bottle will receive a link to follow the progress of a community that their purchase is going to help. This allows you to actually see how your donation is being put to good use.

Water.org can be followed on Twitter here and liked on Facebook here. To win your free CamelBak and Water.org bottle with a Matt Damon-signed thank you courtesy of HollywoodChicago.com, all you need to do is answer our question in this Web-based submission form. That’s it! Directions to enter this HollywoodChicago.com Hookup and immediately win can be found below.

The limited-edition CamelBak and Water.org bottle from Matt Damon
The limited-edition CamelBak and Water.org bottle from Matt Damon.
Image credit: Water.org

Here are facts about today’s grave water crisis:

  1. Nearly 1 billion people have no access to clean water and more than 2.5 billion don’t have proper sanitation.
  2. Water-borne diseases kill 9,000 people (mostly small children) every day. That’s one person every 10 seconds.
  3. More lives are claimed each year by water-related diseases than by guns and wars.
  4. Only one in three people in the world have a toilet. More have cell phones.
  5. In many countries, the impact is felt most deeply by women who gather water, care for stricken children and cope with the ramifications of this life-crushing burden.

To secure your free water bottle and Matt Damon-signed thank you, you must be logged into your HollywoodChicago.com Web site account. If you don’t yet have one, you can quickly register here. Having a free Web site account with a valid e-mail address is required to win this HollywoodChicago.com Hookup.

Next, simply answer our question. You must submit your answer using this confidential, Web-based submission form. Please do not comment in this Hookup. Your entry will be invalid if you only comment here and don’t submit into our Web-based form. Please only submit your answer using this submission form.

You must include your first and last name, e-mail address and physical mailing address in your submission. Your personal information will not be sold or shared, will be kept strictly confidential and is only for awarding the winning entry. Please answer our question below.

Star Do most of us take clean water for granted every day?

This Hookup is simple: one reader will be selected as the winner of our free Matt Damon water Hookup in partnership with CamelBak and Water.org! The winner will be mailed his or her water bottle and Matt Damon-signed thank you at our expense. Good luck!

Disclosure: As we are an independent and objective entertainment publication, this giveaway
is not an endorsement from HollywoodChicago.com for this or any cause.

HollywoodChicago.com editor-in-chief and publisher Adam Fendelman


© 2010 Adam Fendelman, HollywoodChicago.com LLC

Anonymous's picture

Yes! Its hard not to when it

Yes! Its hard not to when it comes so easily to us.

colleen's picture

Yes! We have clean water to

Yes! We have clean water to help us brush our teeth, shower, the toilet water is even clean not to mention the convenient store on the corner is bombarded with various water bottles branded to us so we believe that one is better than the next, our offices get water delivered to it so that we don’t have to drink for the tap. I don’t think we realize how difficult our lives would be without the clean water we have.

tyrion's picture


Mostly. Not as much as when everybody still drank tap water.

CBS's picture


We all take clean water for granted.
It is only steps away from us here in America.
In India people have to go miles to get a jug of fresh water.
Water is finite. when it runs out …we’re out.
There are alternate supplies of energy when we run out of oil but when we run out of water…watch out.

Anonymous's picture

Do most of us take clean water for granted

Of course we do and that is in a way blessing and in another way a curse. For the sake of the generations to come, we have to really try and earn our right to clean water by doing whatever we can to preserve our environment so that the clean water will be available for generations to come.

Rica14's picture


WE are very fortunate to have a wonderful water supply!

Rica14's picture


WE are very fortunate to have a wonderful water supply!

goodscot's picture

Clean Water

Yes, most of us take clean water for granted. We can’t even image what it must be like in other countries and the efforts that people must go through for clean water. We are very fortunate.

luckyduck's picture

clean drinking water..

Clean drinking water is all we really know (I mean our regular tap water is cleaner than many places )and yes we do take it for granted. I personally can’t imagine living without it.

Anonymous's picture

Do we take clean water for granted?


The Chicago metro water system works.
Hopefully, there are no plans to privatize it like our parking meters.

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