Exclusive: ‘Star Trek’ Teaser Trailer Description Surfaces Online

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CHICAGO – HollywoodChicago.com on Tuesday had a trusted source post on our message boards a description of the upcoming teaser trailer for J.J. Abrams’ “Star Trek”.

Following this post, various other movie sites (see a list of independent validations here) have confirmed the accuracy of this information with multiple sources along with a source at Paramount Pictures. Here’s our exclusive teaser trailer description. Warning: This is full spoiler information about the teaser trailer.

Here’s the “Star Trek” trailer description. Hope you can use it.

Slow Paramount logo.

Bad Robot logo.

Black, suddenly some sparks (very saturated [with] Michael Bay-looking cinematography).

We hear an old NASA radio countdown: “30 seconds and counting.”

Close up of a timeless guy with goggles leaning down doing some wielding and sparks flying around.

He lifts his googles. Slightly futuristic head covering. It’s not a space suit, by the way.

The dude leans down and wields some more. He’s standing on big metal.

“From director J.J. Abrams” (blue font with a nice lens flare).

Some Kennedy speech about space flight: “The eyes of the world now look to space.”

People walking around the saucer section. The wielders are everywhere – showing size.

We hear: “The eagle has landed.”

Huge overhead shot pans across [and] suddenly [shows] what looks like miles of scaffolding underneath.

Title: “The future begins”.

Really impressive shot from … people all over the ship and you can see a huge industrialized city or shipyard in the background. It’s being built on Earth [rather than] in space.

Neil Armstrong: “One small step for man…”

Camera slowly cranes up over the whole saucer section.

Then we hear Leonard Nimoy’s line: “Space. The final frontier…” and the familiar “Star Trek” theme horns.

The shot continues [and reveals] the writing on the top of the saucer – “U.S.S. Enterprise” – and these huge aircraft-like warp engines in the background. Technically, the first reveal of what we’re seeing.

Just the Starfleet log (no title).

Title card: “Under construction”.

“Christmas 2008”

Overall, really great teaser (by the definition of the term). Very industrial. I’m most intrigued by the background Earth stuff.

The teaser should be attached to the Abrams-produced “Cloverfield,” which opens this Friday.

Head to our forum to discuss this development!

1:20 p.m. update on Jan. 17, 2008: The first photo of the U.S.S Enterprise from the new “Star Trek” turned up at Moviefone on Thursday. The photo can be seen below and a larger version can be found here. It appears to be taken from the teaser and be the reveal shot we first mentioned above. Here’s a link to Paramount’s official “Star Trek” Web site.

The first photo of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the new Star Trek film
The first photo of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the new “Star Trek” film.
Photo credit: Moviefone

11:57 a.m. update on Jan. 18, 2008: IESB.net just posted the unofficial “Star Trek” teaser trailer!

1:16 p.m. update on Jan. 20, 2008: “Star Trek” producer Roberto Orci has gone public about the intentions by the filmmakers for the “moderately esoteric and largely eerie teaser”. Read all about it in our forums here!

1:15 p.m. update on Jan. 21, 2008: Yahoo! now has the “Star Trek” teaser trailer in HD!

3:09 p.m. update on Jan. 23, 2008: The first “Star Trek” viral marketing site has just gone live at NCC-1701.com. It was discovered by clicking a red dot near the “under construction” label on the official film site.

HollywoodChicago.com staff writer Shane Hazen

Staff Writer

Anonymous's picture

Who is HollywoodChicago.com scooper GypsyEye16?

So this was first posted by the HollywoodChicago.com user GypsyEye16 at this discussion thread: http://www.hollywoodchicago.com/forums/star-trek-teaser-description

I wonder who he/she is. Wouldn’t it be smart for that to actually be someone at Paramount?

HollywoodChicago.com's picture

'Cloverfield' to see 'Star Trek' teaser trailer?

I’m curious how many people will pay to see “Cloverfield” just (or in large part) to see the “Star Trek” teaser trailer.

As a critic, I know I was most stoked for my “I Am Legend” screening because I knew I’d get “The Dark Knight” prologue before it.

The effect of a hot-ticket trailer on the featured presentation would be an interesting box-office figure to measure.

~ Adam Fendelman
Publisher, HollywoodChicago.com

Anonymous's picture

That's Me!!!!

HollywoodChicago.com wrote:
I’m curious how many people will pay to see “Cloverfield” just (or in large part) to see the “Star Trek” teaser trailer.

In case you’re keeping a count, I’m only going to see Cloverfield for the Trek Tease.

colinericbarnard's picture

Don't Waste Your Money

Cloverfield was produced by “Bad Robot” productions, Abrams nascent house. The Trek trailer will be on the internet later Friday. Don’t give Abrams your money. Rent MI:III and listen to the Director’s Commentary to see what a sycophantic “emperor-has-no-clothes” derivative hack he actually is. Abrams talks like he is directing “Citizen Kane” with MI:III. No doubt “Trek” is his “Schindler’s List”……

Anonymous's picture


HollywoodChicago.com wrote:
I’m curious how many people will pay to see “Cloverfield” just (or in large part) to see the “Star Trek” teaser trailer.

*raises hand* That would be me.

I mean, I love monster movies and all, but so far the trailers of Cloverfield make me want to see it on DVD.

But a Trek trailer? I mean, come on!

Anonymous's picture


I’m going to see Cloverfield for the trailer. Yeah, it’s weird, but I grew up with Trek and I’m hoping this one will be good.

As for the whole ‘canon’ discussion, I can’t believe I find myself agreeing with the anal retentive bloke tearing up the description of the trailer. Growing up with TOS there are certain things you just know - Gary Mitchel is Kirk’s best friend, McCoy wasn’t Kirk’s first chief surgeon, etc. Will it kill the movie if they change it all up? No, but it’s irritating - as much as the introduction of Spock’s long lost brother in Trek V.

Embarrassed to admit all of this,

Old Trek fan

colinericbarnard's picture

Someone Gets It!

I guess I am the ‘anal retentive bloke tearing up the trailer’:) Thank you sir for getting it……obviously you are no relation to JJ Abrams!

mars_database's picture

starship construction

I love how it sound ,but I don’t like how the fan’s or people are talking about it.The movie is not out yet and everyone is curiousing the teaser trailer and don’t how a starship is construction .In Star Trek all large ships have three hulls saucer section or main hull, secondary hull or engineering hull,and warp nacelles . Two of this parts are built on land shipyards saucer section and warp nacelles. And then they are transportered by Shuttle tugs or transporter beam to space drydock.Were they are put together.See I readed alot of books on this subject . Yes, Star Trek is not real world ,but just thank how you would get starship construction in 23th century . I would like to be on that new team of thank tank for J.J. new Star Trek. That now’s a little about Star Trek Space Engineering.

Anonymous's picture

before telling everyone

before telling everyone about ur great tec knowledge in the universe of star trek go to school and learn english !!!

Anonymous's picture

Don't be a jerk

Anonymous wrote:
before telling everyone about ur great tec knowledge in the universe of star trek go to school and learn english !!!

Go away.

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