Would you support universal health care in the U.S. (as professed in Michael Moore's 'Sicko')?

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Interesting new article on health care reform

Here’s an interesting new article on health care reform by Dr. Ogan Gurel in Chicago. He says:

Ogan Gurel wrote:
On primary election day here in Illinois, it would be of interest to discuss health care reform, which is an issue that goes head to head with the economy and Iraq as the No. 1 issue facing voters this political season. One sentiment that appears to unite nearly all the candidates is the claim that our health care system is “broken”.

bret89's picture

The best country in the world...

I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Moore because he’s so one sided and skews alot of information he gives to the public. But, everything is at least derived from facts that are pretty distubing. Oh wait… I know how to solve all of this - lets just give everybody like $600 and problem solved.
I’ll take it

HollywoodChicago.com's picture

Objectivity problems

bret89 wrote:
I’ve never been a big fan of Michael Moore because he’s so one sided and skews alot of information he gives to the public. But, everything is at least derived from facts that are pretty distubing.

Michael Moore definitely does have objectivity problems. I loved “Sicko,” but in general, I think he’d improve as a filmmaker in the eyes of not only his fans but especially his antagonists if he made a more concerted effort at exploring both sides.

It’s great to go into the film with your one side, but still, every issue has two. The best way to do it is to present both and let the viewer make up his/her mind based on a quality presentation of the facts.

Oh wait… I know how to solve all of this - lets just give everybody like $600 and problem solved. I’ll take it

Bush is at it again and is just giving us a Band-Aid to temporarily stop the U.S. economic bleeding. :-(

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After you vote, what are your thoughts?

After you vote above, we’re interested in more than just your answer. What are your thoughts? What are your reasons for or against this?

Anonymous's picture

thanks for the important poll

this is a very emotional topic for me for very personal reasons (i voted “yes” by the way) and i appreciate your taking an interest in it even if just to post a poll about it in your publication.

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