Heath Ledger Hung By Noose on Film For ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’

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Semi-alarming photos surfaced on Monday from London of Heath Ledger not as the Joker in “The Dark Knight” but as a character being hung by a noose in the upcoming fantasy film “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”. These photos are from JustJared.com.

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
JustJared.com notes:

In this scene, Heath [Ledger] was seen hanging from London’s Lambeth Bridge and was rescued by co-star Andrew Garfield.

According to film ick, an early version of the script reveals several characters: a dwarf named Percy, a … sleight-of-hand expert named Anton, a beautiful young woman named Valentina and her father Dr. Parnassus.

[They] are all entertainers in a traveling theatre. Check out more about the movie’s plot at Wikipedia.

4:19 p.m. update on Jan. 22, 2008: Heath Ledger has passed away. Read our news story on this development here.

3:31 p.m. update on Jan. 23, 2008: The production for “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” has been shut down, according to Us:

“I just got the call [on Tuesday] saying everyone was being let go,” [an] on-set source tells UsMagazine.com. “We were supposed to start this weekend, but obviously they fired everyone today. They don’t know yet what they are doing with the footage that was already shot.”

HollywoodChicago.com editor-in-chief Adam Fendelman


Anonymous's picture


How can people be hypersensitive and insensitive all at once?

Every day people die. Every day they people die in cruel harsh circumstances. Look at Africa. There’s pictures everywhere depicting harsh realty. Most of us know this, do we “mourn” these other people’s death? Not quite. We tend to ignore it.

All of those arguing “take these down” out of respect. Why don’t you simply respect the mans work. Ledger was an artist, most artists wouldn’t want their art to be hidden. Those who cry foul obviously don’t know the nature of these photographs. They are the same people who rather ignore what’s happening in the middle east, and Asia, and Africa. They are the same people who rather bury their heads in the sand.

They don’t want to see photo’s like this because it sullies their sandpit. It may remind them of the harsher realities of life.

There are plenty of “disturbing images” in life… on the internet… in reality. This one is simply make believe. Ledger isn’t actually hanging himself. It’s a mere coincidence Ledger happened to find himself in a hotel room dead from an overdose. The two aren’t related. So how is it in any way offensive other than to those who see it and make an association where there should not be any???

It’s amazing how we fail to connect with the actualities of our world, but lose ourselves in the make believe of Hollywood-land. People. If you’re worried about “disturbing images”, and “respect for people”, go to Amnesty International, or Unicef, or google Uganda or Rwanda or Burma.

Show those people some respect.

Again, as an artist, I’m sure Heath would have wanted his work shown, which is why his family gave blessing to Gilliam and co. to finish the film, Ledger’s last.

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