Heath Ledger Hung By Noose on Film For ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’

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Semi-alarming photos surfaced on Monday from London of Heath Ledger not as the Joker in “The Dark Knight” but as a character being hung by a noose in the upcoming fantasy film “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”. These photos are from JustJared.com.

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

Heath Ledger, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
JustJared.com notes:

In this scene, Heath [Ledger] was seen hanging from London’s Lambeth Bridge and was rescued by co-star Andrew Garfield.

According to film ick, an early version of the script reveals several characters: a dwarf named Percy, a … sleight-of-hand expert named Anton, a beautiful young woman named Valentina and her father Dr. Parnassus.

[They] are all entertainers in a traveling theatre. Check out more about the movie’s plot at Wikipedia.

4:19 p.m. update on Jan. 22, 2008: Heath Ledger has passed away. Read our news story on this development here.

3:31 p.m. update on Jan. 23, 2008: The production for “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” has been shut down, according to Us:

“I just got the call [on Tuesday] saying everyone was being let go,” [an] on-set source tells UsMagazine.com. “We were supposed to start this weekend, but obviously they fired everyone today. They don’t know yet what they are doing with the footage that was already shot.”

HollywoodChicago.com editor-in-chief Adam Fendelman


Anonymous's picture

Out of Respect

Please take these pictures down.

Anonymous's picture


Why would you take the pictures down…. Duhhhh He’s an actor and he’s gone. What do you think, he’s going to complain?

Anonymous's picture


Show some respect.

Anonymous's picture

he was an actor, he

he was an actor, he obviously loved his work otherwise he wouldnt have let it consume his life. Why take the pictures down when im sure he would have been very proud of the work he was doing here. I say post every on set pic you can find.

Anonymous's picture

Amen to that! He was an

Amen to that! He was an actor! Lets praise his work

Anonymous's picture

Yes at least little respect

Yes at least little respect . maya,

Anonymous's picture

Are you kidding me right now?

After what has happened, you should take these pictures down. Not only out of respect but as a human being. I think it’s appalling that you would still have these up.

Anonymous's picture

heath ledger

everyone cries when i spoiled little actor that has done nothing good for the world dies but nobody cries when kids or moms die. this world is pathetic you cares if heath ledger died unless you were his family, who cares if owen wilson kills himself do you people honestly think that this guy touched your life. I bet if he saw you on the street he wouldnt even bother to look at you. I am not glad he is dead but im not sad either who cares.

Anonymous's picture

Thats Harsh

Ok.. Heath was a brilliant talent and he wasnt spoilt. It is upsetting that he died and Im definitely mourning his loss, but do u really have to say something so mean 1 day afta he died. Your the pathetic one!

Anonymous's picture

God Damn.

Despite being in the limelight and being a successful actor that doesn’t mean he’s a dick. You’re an idiot and a hypocrite. He was a person and having sympathy for someone’s death is human nature. The reason people care is because someone died and they heard about it. The reason everyone acts like they don’t give a shit about everyone else in the world dying is because they don’t hear about every single person’s death. If we cried when every “kids or moms die” then we’d all be stuck in some shallow little hole of self depraving. And what about Dads? Some people actually care about their Dads and are very upset to hear that they died. Way to be a fucking hypocrite and ignorant. The guy had a family to.

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