Film News: Shocking New Poster Released For ‘The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)’

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CHICAGO – You’ve got to give some designer somewhere credit: he or she has managed to come up with a better, more shocking poster for a film than the film itself. You’ve just got to check out the new poster for “The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence),” which is being painfully panned by critics everywhere (including ours who calls the film “completely worthless”).

The shocking new movie poster for The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)
The shocking new movie poster for “The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)”.
Image credit: IFC Midnight

“The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)” stars Laurence R. Harveyz, Ashlynn Yenniez, Bill Hutchens and Vivien Bridson. It was written and directed by Tom Six. It plays at midnight at the Music Box Theatre in Chicago on Oct. 7 and 8, 2011 along with the same nights the following weekend. A third film, which is called “The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence),” is already scheduled for 2013. The synopsis for “The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence)” is below.

Martin is a mentally disturbed loner who lives with his nagging mother in a bleak London housing project where loud neighbors and cramped living conditions threaten to plunge this victim of sexual and psychological abuse over the edge.

He works the night shift as a security guard in an underground parking garage where customers and their vehicles come and go as he indulges his obsession with “The Human Centipede (First Sequence)” by watching the film over and over on the small TV set in his office. He meticulously examines the scrapbook he has lovingly filled with memorabilia from the film including the mouth-to-anus surgery instructions made famous by Dr. Heiter (the mad scientist from Martin’s favorite movie).

Pushed to the brink by his harridan mother and haunted by the teasing voices of his abusive and incarcerated father, Martin sets into motion his plan to emulate Heiter’s centipede by creating his own version in a rented warehouse. He begins to fill it with victims including a loud neighbor, two drunk night clubbers, a prostitute, a lecherous john and several more along with Martin’s pièce de résistance: one of the actresses from “The Human Centipede (First Sequence)”.

Martin, though, lacks the surgical skill, medical instruments and operating theater necessary to create a larger centipede in the image of Dr. Heiter’s masterpiece.

Instead, he makes use of materials at hand: duct tape, a staple gun, household tools and a fanboy moxie. What follows is one of the most harrowing and terrifying films ever conceived. The film features a central character that makes Dr. Heiter’s “First Sequence” seem downright cuddly in comparison. This is a triumph in biological horror by one of the new masters of the horror film. publisher Adam Fendelman


© 2011 Adam Fendelman, LLC

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