TV Review: The CW Redefines Wasting Time With Awful ‘Remodeled’

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CHICAGO – Who cares? Seriously, we have reached the bottom of the reality TV barrel with The CW’s “Remodeled,” a show that takes people who weren’t meant for TV, pumps up their more extreme behavior, and calls it television. We’ve all seen people with questionable degrees of talent who reach for the reality TV grail with dozens of basic cable programs but rarely has this degree of silliness made it to the broadcast networks. Television Rating: 1.0/5.0
Television Rating: 1.0/5.0

Like nearly everything that misses its mark on TV lately, “Remodeled” can be broken down into a simple pitch — “Kitchen Nightmares” meets “America’s Next Top Model.” Here’s a hint to TV execs — if you can break down a show into “X meets X,” it’s not creative enough for today’s market. Audiences are smarter than you think they are. Quit talking down to them if you want to save your network.

Photo credit: The CW

There’s one rule. You have to do things my way.

The part that’s like “Kitchen Nightmares” is that this show is driven by a larger-than-life, aggressive personality like Gordon Ramsay who is theoretically trying to improve a business but is really just trying to find the big moments for the cameras. Do I believe Paul Fisher may be a supermodel expert? Sure. He’s got the proven track record. And I even believe that he may be able to go to smaller agencies within his modeling network and show them what they’re doing wrong — not signing models to exclusive contracts, not training models how to act when they’re meeting people who could help their career, etc. But too much of “Remodeled” is clearly done for the camera. As Fisher and his people spout clearly-scripted dialogue in interviews and even meeting scenes, the purpose of the entire show falls in on itself. There might have been an interesting look at the modeling agency and how it works buried somewhere in the pitch for “Remodeled” but once it became about turning Mr. Fisher into a TV personality that became buried in the attempt at entertainment.

An attempt that fails. The greatest sin of “Remodeled” is how remarkably boring the whole thing ended up. There’s no focus at all. The show quickly switches from Fisher berating apathetic agents to young, beautiful people trying to make it in the modeling industry. It’s A.D.D. reality TV trying to hide a complete lack of anything worth watching. These may be nice people and I don’t mean this as a slight on them personally but who cares? Seriously. I’ve rarely seen a less focused or less consequential show and I’ve reviewed hundreds of them. I know we value models and what they do but if “Remodeled” was about house repair and featured paint drying for large segments it would probably be more interesting.

“Remodeled” premieres on The CW on Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 at 8pm CST. content director Brian Tallerico

Content Director

Brian locker's picture


I enjoyed the show. I love Paul’s passion for his models and his sincere desire for them to succeed. Unlike other shows that feed on humiliation, I really liked the way Olga told the model in New York that It wasn’t her time in a loving and supportive manner. I look forward to the next show.

This show is horrible's picture

“These may be nice people

These may be nice people and I don’t mean this as a slight on them personally but who cares?”

Don’t worry, I’ve met them, they’re not nice people…

Concerned Press's picture

CW Remodeled and Paul Fisher REVIEW

This show got the lowest overnight rating in CW HISTORY! So telling. Here’s Paul Fisher telling everyone he’s going to change the modeling industry. Then, in classic fashion of Paul Fisher, the entire show is about I, I, I, I, surrounded by a pathetic staff and small business people he thinks he’s going to save. The problems are multiple: There are no likable characters who call Paul on his crap. The is NO value or hope given to the young models he crushes and demeans. And the production qualities are that of a 5th grader. Top it off with Fisher telling press he’s going to change the way the modeling industry works and how people perceive beauty… Then you look at what he does, and he’s promoting exactly what he claims to hate. It’s offensive to look at this bald, billowing, buffoon, tell young hopefuls they are flawed and don’t stand a chance, then have him select a super skinny one as a potential star. Way to tell your audience they should stick their fingers down their throats to try and look like her. I want to stick my finger down my throat, but just because I spent valuable time reviewing this rotten banana. Any advertiser that supports this show should be ashamed and I would not buy their products. It’s an affront to the entire Dove Campaign for beauty which was far more on target. Really sad choice CW.

This show is clearly a made up, staged, and self-centered. I’m not so sure Mr Fisher isn’t a diagnosed sociopath. CW, Your audience, seems to be telling you, they are smarter than that. Time to show Mr Fisher back the bus back to the dank little corner he belongs as he does nothing but offend.

sbnyla's picture

In Reply...

I had the pleasure of working under Paul Fischer for over 5 years. I was a model at one of his agencies. He was awesome!! I don’t have a PHd, but I am an educated woman who did well as a higg fashion model and I can say that it sounds like the previous post was written by an angry person, a very angry person. A ‘diagnosed sociopath.’ You are kidding me right. Clearly you do not understand that there hundreds of people that worked on this show from beginning to end. A personal vendetta against Paul is acceptable. I don’t know when the last time you spoke or worked with Paul was, but maybe you should reach out and give it another shot-if he will take your call. He has helped many. I am so grateful to him as is my mother.

He is not perfect, nobody is, but he knows his business, can manage a model and an agency as good as any. And i admired his nod in the show last night to the agency ‘IMG.’

Feel free to shoot me an email if I may assist you in mending a broken bridge that you would like to be fixed. He is a great guy and I’m sure you are not so bad yourself.

golfmaster's picture

You've got to be kidding

I also have known Paul personally for many years and can tell you did not know him intimately at all. Paul is without a doubt a socio-path and has destroyed many lives. There is a reason that his staff changes at his actual office once a week. He is cruel, heartless and a liar. A socio-path is the PERFECT description for him as he is lying whenever his mouth is moving! ALMOST every NY agent HATES him and will NOT WORK WITH HIM because of these reasons. This show is sure to be cancelled as karma is a bitch and Paul deserves HEAPS of it! Paul wears Prada…remember what the devil wears?

Sbnyla's picture


Intimately, no, not in a sexual way;). But intimately from the heart, yes:). I’m sorry that you feel the way you do. When we spend our time pointing out the negatives in others there are three fingers pointing back at ourselves. He isn’t perfect, he’s human. People grow, learn, teach and live…if you we don’t learn then what is life about. Working for anyone who is strong willed and extremely driven is difficult. I know of some that love Paul, but are unable to work with him. I know others who would cut their right hand off to learn the industry from him. Yes, I believe in Karma as well. I am grateful to Paul, I always will be.

If I may, try reaching out to him, maybe you will get the appologie you need to let “IT” go. NY agencies, time, people, life changes and evolves. Including us;).

PS- it’s a good show! He knows his business!

Anthony De Santiago's picture

Great show!

Unlike all the other modeling shows on TV Remodeled actually shows us the essential steps that both an agency and model take to get on top! No BS involved all of it is real and there is a lot to learn and to enjoy by watching this show! It comes on again tonight at 8pm PST and 5pm EST!

Corin L's picture

I actually find this show to

I actually find this show to be original. There aren’t too many shows out there that show the business side of the model and fashion industry. Reality shows are supposed to grow on people, but I’m already hooked and set my dvr for next week’s episode.

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