Streaming Feature: Best of New to Netflix December 2013

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We’re back! Full of turkey, ready to sit down in front of the TV and zone out with a full Netflix queue. What’s the latest and greatest to hit the streaming service du jour? There are some major Hollywood hits like “Skyfall,” “Dances with Wolves,” and “Apocalypse Now” new to the Netflix universe but we here at HC try to focus on what you might not have seen.

Here are ten flicks to add to your queue that could have fallen under your movie radar if we weren’t here to pick them up. You’re welcome. There’s a foreign film, two documentaries, a sci-fi flick, and even a musical. Pick your favorites. Or just watch all ten.

The American
The American

The American

Netflix Description:
On the heels of a rough assignment, assassin Jack declares that his next job will be his last. Dispatched to a small Italian town to await further orders, Jack embarks on a dangerous double life while falling for a lovely villager.

Because it got screwed by bad marketing. Some numbskull decided to try and turn this introspective, philosophical piece about isolation and age into a “Bourne” sequel, which it most DEFINITELY is not. In fact, even that poster up there is misleading. This is a drama, featuring some of Clooney’s best work against a gorgeous backdrop. People went to see it in theaters and rented it expecting a very different movie and so hated the one they got. Check it out again without the false expectations and you may be surprised by the one you get.



Netflix Description:
Nicolas Winding Refn’s vivid and unflinching biopic delves into the life of Britain’s most notorious prisoner, Charlie Bronson — who’s been jailed for nearly 35 years — and attempts to dissect the real man behind the deranged persona.

Because Tom f**king Hardy. The star of “Warrior” and “Inception” broke through in this intense work from the man who would go on to direct “Drive.” It’s an amazing piece of acting by Hardy. He’s a force of nature and one sensed immediately upon seeing “Bronson” that one was watching the emergence of a future household name. See where it began.



Netflix Description:
Meet the firefighters of Detroit, who battle the nation’s highest arson rate in a bid to save their once-thriving city from virtual collapse. At the helm is commissioner Donald Austin, whose firebrand attitude has galvanized the city and its leaders.

Because it’s fascinating. Detroit is burning. The city faces more fires every year than any other in the country and they’re not only fighting them differently than other squads but they’re letting a lot of them burn. Produced by Denis Leary, this is one of the best docs of the last few years.

Computer Chess
Computer Chess

Computer Chess

Netflix Description:
This comedic period piece set before PCs became commonplace centers on a 1980s chess tournament in which human competitors get their first crack at testing their skills against a machine.

Because it’s goofy. While I don’t love Bujalski’s film as much as some, one has to admire its commitment to its creative cause. Set at an ’80s chess tournament in which programmers vie to create the better machine, “Chess” actually looks like it was made on the technical product of its period as well. The aesthetic choice to make a movie that doesn’t just take place in the era of the VHS recorder but was made on one as well is fascinating. And the movie is often very funny and consistently entertaining. It’s slow and not for those easily turned off by indie oddities but if you’re looking for something different…



Netflix Description:
Helmed by director John Waters, this kitschy comedy set in 1950s Baltimore stars Johnny Depp as Wade “Cry-Baby” Walker, a street hood who falls for a goody-two-shoes girl. The unlikely romance sparks a battle between rival factions.

Because Johnny Depp used to be interesting. Before he gave up acting in favor of silly costumes, Johnny Depp was one of the most engaging actors of his generation and this early oddity is a film that many derided at the time but has grown a cult following over the years. It’s a wacky musical comedy that makes it clear that Depp was fated to become a household name and has that unique John Waters tone that so many have tried to copy but few have succeeded in doing so.

Five more on the next page…

Yousef's picture


Oh so you think Johnny Depp’s performance in Cry Baby is better than his Oscar/award winning nominated performances in films like POTC and Sweeney Todd? But wait didn’t he act in a silly costume in Edward Scissorhands which was in the beginning of his career? Hmmmmm. Oh yeah a movie that no one cared about when it came out is better than well-received successful movies.

Ciara's picture

Wow, Seems like people can’t

Wow, Seems like people can’t let it go without bashing Depp when there is something about him these days.

Lilybeth's picture

Different Opinion

First, thank you for this list. There are a few here I haven’t seen and look forward to viewing, along with some I watched but would like to re-visit, and some I wanted to see but forgot existed. That said, I did want to chime in that I don’t agree with your assessment of Depp. I think he is still one of the best. A true chameleon who gets lost in his roles and characters. Yes, I think some of his artistic choices can send his acting a bit over the topic and turn the character into a caricature, but on the whole he is incredibly gifted. One also admires how he seems to conduct himself and manage his private life. Rather than rolling around the L.A. Area in a fancy car with a parade of gorgeous 20 year old starlets at his feet, performing for the paparazzi and feeling headlines with over the top antics, he chooses to mostly stay out of the limelight. It is refreshing and speaks to someone who cares about their craft.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestions and maybe give Depp a second thought. I think he is worth it.

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