Podcast Talk: Michael Galinsky’s ‘All the Rage’ at Chicago Underground Film Fest on June 3, 2017

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CHICAGO – Dealing with pain has become almost an obsession with Americans. Between over the counter sales of pain relievers, doctor visits and the prescription abuse of painkillers, a crisis has come about. Why are we hurting? Director Michael Galinsky, with co-directors Suki Hawley and David Beilinson, explore an alternative means of pain treatment in “All the Rage.”

Director Michael Galinsky Talks to Dr. John Sarno in ‘All the Rage’
Photo credit: CUFF.org

“All the Rage” is subtitled “Saved by Sarno,” which refers to Dr. John Sarno, a physician whose work with the mind’s connection to healing has been groundbreaking… but only on an underground and word-of-mouth basis. With so much mysterious back pain, plus joint and muscle aches, Sarno had advanced that it is the body’s reaction to emotional stress – a syndrome he calls Tension Myositis. The key is to find the source of that stress, and miraculously, pain and conditions that perplex western medicine have been known to disappear. Galinsky was a patient of Dr. Sarno, and makes his journey the centerpiece of the fascinating documentary, which includes interviews with famous Sarno patients, Larry David and Howard Stern.

The 24th Chicago Underground Film Festival is an annual event showcasing independent, experimental and documentary films from around the world. Their mission is to promote films and videos that dissent radically in form, technique, or content from the “indie” mainstream, and to present adventurous works that challenge and transcend commercial and audience expectations. 25 programs comprised of narrative, documentary and experimental features, shorts, and music videos, representing more than 20 countries, make up the main body of the festival, along with nightly parties and live music, discussions and other networking and community building events. For the 2017 schedule at a glance, click here.

Michael Galinsky is a veteran documentary maker, who usually collaborates with his wife Suki Hawley and David Beilinson. Two of his notable docs include “Battle for Brooklyn” (2011) and “Who Took Johnny” (2014). HollywoodChicago.com did a phone interview with Galinsky on the eve of his screening of “All the Rage” at the Chicago Underground Film Festival (the director will make an appearance). In the following podcast interview, he talks about the crisis, Dr. Sarno and the particular strength of his documentary form.

The 24th Annual Chicago Underground Film Festival (CUFF) presents “All the Rage: Saved by Sarno,” co-directed by Michael Galinsky, Suki Hawley and David Beilinson, on June 3rd, 2017 (6pm), at the Logan Theatre – 2646 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago. The 2017 festival runs through Sunday, June 4th. For more information, click here.

HollywoodChicago.com senior staff writer Patrick McDonald

Writer, Editorial Coordinator

© 2017 Patrick McDonald, HollywoodChicago.com

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