FLASHBACK Interview In Memoriam: Lee Sun-kyun Dies at Age 48

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CHICAGO – The world was rocked on December 27th, 2023, when the report came through that South Korean (SK) actor Lee Sun-kyun – who had a prominent role in the 2019 Oscar Best Picture “Parasite’ – had died from an apparent suicide in Seoul (SK), months after his appearance during Closing Night at Chicago’s Asian Pop-Up Cinema (APUC), where he represented his outrageous new comedy, “Killing Romance.” His apparent suicide was on the heels of government pressure due to his alleged drug consumption. Lee Sun-kyun was 48.

After beginning his career in musical theatre, Lee was relegated to minor and supporting roles onscreen as he began in TV and film. His breakthrough was in SK TV’s “Coffee Prince” and the medical drama “Behind the White Tower,” both in 2007. He gained more popularity with “My Mister,” (2018) which is currently on Netflix.

Lee Sun-kyun Accepts APUC’s Excellent Achievement in Film Award
Photo credit: AsianPopUpCinema.org

In film he got award-winning notices in Paju (2009), and arthouse credibility with “Oki’s Movie” (2010) and “Nobody’s Daughter Haewan” (2013). In “Parasite,” Lee portrayed Park Dong-ik, the patriarch of the wealthy family in the film. Besides the Oscars, Lee scored an Ensemble Award from the Screen Actors Guild. In his appearance at APUC’s Closing Night, Lee was representing his role as Jonathan Na in “Killing Romance,” with a nearly perfect comic performance. Lee Sun-kyun is survived by his wife Jeon Hye-jin, and their two children. The investigation into his apparent suicide is ongoing.

In a flashback interview to October of 2023, Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com talked to Lee through an interpreter.

HollywoodChicago.com: This film gave you an opportunity to really be silly in a true comedy film. How did you establish your performance that set the tone for director Lee Won Suk?

Lee Sun-kyun: Director Lee Won Suk creates very unique comedy films in Korea, and I was very fond of his debut film ‘How to Use Guys with Secret Tips.’ His comedy is not the usual Korean-style comedy. I wanted to connect to his style of cartoonish and exaggerated performance, so in conversation with him we talked about a variety of comic references.

To make my character unique, I worked towards it. He was very fun to work on, unlike any character I had ever played before. Although he is selfish and narcissistic, Jonathan also ups the ante with insane behavior. That behavior was a joy to perform.

HollywoodChicago.com: Despite being somewhat of a villain, Jonathan is also just very competitive and loves his wife. How did you explore his non-silly traits to create his character?

LS-k: The way he tried to possess his wife through his love was the catalyst for releasing the comedy in his character. In the essence of his non-silly side, the inspiration came partially from the main characters in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’ of all places.

Lee Sun-kyun in ‘Killing Romance’
Photo credit: AsianPopUpCinema.org

HollywoodChicago.com: When you first read Park Jung Yae’s script, did you think that anything was too over the top and might not work?

LS-k: Pretty much everything. [laughs] But especially the first scene, where Jonathan proposes to his wife. in the first draft I was to appear on the beach wearing only briefs and eating stinky fermented soybean stew, and singing the Korean song ‘Happiness.’ But because of COVID we couldn’t shoot on the beach, and I was thinking that people wouldn’t get it, so Lee and I consulted and he softened it considerably.

HollywoodChicago.com: What gag or jokes in the film would South Koreans know to be very funny, that if you lived outside the country you wouldn’t or couldn’t understand, and why would that be?

LS-k: Because it wasn’t like any other Korean comedies, we were more curious as to what the audience reaction would be in Korea. But I really feel this film is closer to comedy that other countries are used to, so we think it will play outside Korea better.

HollywoodChicago.com: When you were filming ‘Parasite,’ was there anything you experienced on set or saw when it premiered that told you that this could be the Academy Award Best Picture, or was the whole journey to that trophy just one big surprise, and why either way?

LS-k: Because the film received the Palme d’OR at Cannes we were hoping that the film would received some recognition at the Oscars, because it was the first Korean film that even had a chance.

When all the nominations came out, I expected that director Boon Joon-ho could win, but I never thought we had a chance at Best Picture. So when our director won, we thought the day was over. You cannot imagine how surprised and excited we were when they called the film for Best Picture. I’ll never forget it.

HollywoodChicago.com: And how did your career change after all the awards, or did it?

LS-k: I got a bump … there were several offers to do international films. But my English isn’t very good, and although I probably should have worked harder on learning the language the offers that came in Korea were steady, because ‘Parasite’ raised our profile. There has been an uptick both in Korean cinema and culture, so I hope it provides opportunities for our younger actors coming up.

Lee Sun-kyun in ‘Parasite’
Photo credit: NEON

HollywoodChicago.com: Why do you like working for directors like Boog Joon-ho and Lee Won Suk, even when you’re doing something that you’d never thought you would do in a film?

LS-k: First, I respect and like both directors, but their styles are completely different. Bong Joon-ho is a planner, from script to storyboard. Everything to seem finished inside his head before he steps onto the set. With director Lee, especially since ‘Killing Romance’ is a comedy, we had a lot of different approaches and discussions on set, as well as room for improvisation.

HollywoodChicago.com: Finally, what was your favorite moment as a performer in both ‘Parasite’ and ‘Killing Romance’?

LS-k: In ‘Parasite,’ I liked the scene where the daughter brings in a peach, and the housekeeper vomits blood … but as far as my contributions to the film it was really the opportunity to work with Bong Joon-ho. My first scene was driving, and there were just butterflies in my stomach.

In ‘Killing Romance,’ it was definitely the hot sauna scene. That actually changed during the COVID period, but because of the change it was a lot more fun.

For the complete coverage of Closing Night Season 17 of Chicago’s Asian Pop-Up Cinema, CLICK HERE. Source for this article was Wikipedia.com. Lee Sun-kyun 1975-2023.

CLICK HERE for the 10 BEST FILMS of 2023 List by Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com.

HollywoodChicago.com senior staff writer Patrick McDonald

Editor and Film Critic/Writer

© 2023 Patrick McDonald, HollywoodChicago.com

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