Feature: Top 25 Celebrity Portraits of 2023, by Photographer Joe Arce

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CHICAGO – 2023 to Me: “Hey Buddy, you can take a hike!”/Cause it’s harder work for a celebrity photographer/when your subjects are all on strike. And sure, the world is melting down/It was a hell of a year … But TIME still favored Taylor Swift/and that’s worthy of a cheer.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Presenting the Top 25 Celebrity Portraits and prose poetry by Photographer Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com. He’s the best in the biz. Now back to the article …

Self Portrait: Photographer Joe Arce
Photo credit: Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com

When people ask, I describe my job
as painting stars with light.
Now here's my years Top 25
that I feel I got just right.

Star25. Costume Designer of POOR THINGS, Holly Waddington

Holly Waddington
Photo credit: Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com

They say that clothes can make the man.
One should dress to impress.
Costume Designer Holly Waddington
matches “Poor Things” with success.

Photographed October 21st* at the “Poor Things” screening, Chicago International Film Festival.

*All dates 2023

Star24. U.S. Representative Katie Porter

Katie Porter
Photo credit: Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com

Katie Porter and her board of white
our superhero of oversight.
Always ready and willing to wage the fight
against the waste and corruption of the far right.

Photographed April 29th at the Chicago Humanities Festival.

Star23. Comedian Doug Stanhope

Doug Stanhope
Photo credit: Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com

Doug Stanhope is like a drunken pope
presiding over a dark comedic mass.
The Vanta black honey badger
your bullshit will never pass.

Tearing sacred cows limb from limb
where others dare not tread.
Audiences howl, gasp in disbelief
at the “blasphemous” things he’s said.

Photographed September 2nd at the Pickwick Theater (Park Ridge, Illinois) at the Chicago Premiere of “Road Dog.”

Star22. Comedian Aparna Nanchela

Aparna Nancheria Demonstrates ‘Brenda’
Photo credit: Joe Arce for HollywoodChicago.com

Aparna Nancherla
The Queen of Self-Doubt.
Named her depression “Brenda”
They often hang out.

Imposture Syndrome?
Girl, What the heck?
You’re Hilarious!
Brenda, sign her check!

Photographed October 28th at the Chicago Humanities Festival.

Star21. Actor Bob Balaban

Bob Balaban
Photo credit: Joe Arce of Starstruck Foto for HollywoodChicago.com

If you’re a fan of Bob Balaban,
have I got a shot for you.
This Close Encounter maybe his “Best In Show”
is “For Your Consideration” too! 

Photographed October 28th at the Chicago Humanities Festival.

CLICK HERE for the 10 BEST FILMS of 2023 List by Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com.

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