Facets Cinematheque

Film Review: Magic & Creativity is Formula for ‘Dave Made a Maze’

Dave Made a Maze

CHICAGO – When the magnificently creative film “Dave Made a Maze” begins, it seems like another Millennial generation stab at micro budget filmmaking, with a claustrophobic set and extreme archetypes instead of characters. But then the “exploration” of the title maze starts, and suddenly “Dave” becomes a marvel of invention, tribute, hilarity and even truth.

Interview: Producer Dane Haiken on ‘Chicagoland Shorts Vol. 2,’ Premiering on May 14, 2016

Chicagoland Shorts Vol. 2

CHICAGO – Full Spectrum Features is one of new production outlets in town, but they are quickly making a mark. Their goal is to get the quality filmmaking that takes place in Chicago to a wider audience, and they are about to launch “Chicagoland Shorts Vol. 2,” continuing from their Vol. 1 success. Vol. 2 will premiere on Saturday, May 14th, 2016, at the Facets Cinémathéque on the city’s north side, and have a run there through May 19th. Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com will moderate a Q&A after the premiere screening.

Film Review: ‘A Teacher’ Explores Torrid Student Obsession with Unexplained Adult Regression

CHICAGO – We often go to the movies to suspend real life and explore what we think about doing but won’t or would do but can’t. Have you ever fallen for a much younger man or woman? Have you ever had a secret affair with someone at work? Have you ever obsessed over someone you shouldn’t?

Interview: Versatile Indie Actress Sophia Takal Makes Directorial Debut in ‘Green’

Sophia Takal Interview

CHICAGO – In a mere four-year span, New York actress/filmmaker Sophia Takal has sported a remarkable versatility. Since 2009, she’s acted in ten feature films and is set to star in many more. Her first lead role was the titular heroine in Lawrence Michael Levine’s 2010 gem, “Gabi on the Roof in July.” Takal and Levine’s offscreen status as a couple enhanced the chemistry between their characters, siblings Gabi and Sam.

HollywoodChicago.com Presents ‘Patang’ (The Kite) at Facets With Free Tickets, Signed Posters

Patang at Facets presented by HollywoodChicago.com

CHICAGOHollywoodChicago.com proudly presents “Patang” (The Kite) at Facets Cinematheque! In this extra-special edition of the HollywoodChicago.com Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 5 pairs of movie passes plus signed posters up for grabs to “Patang” from Chicago director Prashant Bhargava!

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