Jeff Bridges

Film Review: Real Hunger Games are Exposed in ‘A Place at the Table’

A Place at the Table

CHICAGO – There has been an attitude shift in America in a couple of generations toward the poor and unlucky in life. What was once a campaign to end poverty and take care of that part of the population, has turned into a demonization of them. This is one of the main themes in “A Place at the Table,” an overview of the continuing hunger problem in America.

Interview: Director Kristi Jacobson Sets ‘A Place at the Table’

CHICAGO – One of the strangest problems in the United States, the richest country in the world, is “food insecurity.” Millions of Americans, lost in economic or working poverty, can’t keep pace with their food needs. The new documentary “A Place at the Table” dissects this social problem, and is co-directed by Kristi Jacobson.

Blu-Ray Review: ‘The Big Lebowski’ Really Ties Your Collection Together

The Big Lebowski

CHICAGO – Most Coen brother releases on Blu-ray are going to cause a ripple through the film-loving community. Who doesn’t want to own “Fargo,” “Miller’s Crossing,” and even less-beloved films like “The Man Who Wasn’t There” or “The Hudsucker Proxy” in 1080p? Joel and Ethan Coen have long been visually-gifted filmmakers and those gifts shine through brightly in HD. But the release of the massively-adored “The Big Lebowski” in a special Blu-ray edition? Well, that’s more of a wave than a ripple. Hookup: 5 ‘The Big Lebowski’ Blu-Rays With Jeff Bridges, John Goodman

The Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges and John Goodman

CHICAGO – In our latest comedy/crime/cult classic edition of Hookup: Blu-ray, we have 5 Blu-rays up for grabs to the highly anticipated home entertainment release of “The Big Lebowski” starring Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Steve Buscemi!

Blu-Ray Review: Beloved ‘True Grit’ Remake in Bonus-Packed Edition

True Grit (2010)

CHICAGO – With the highest domestic gross of the entire career of the beloved Coen brothers (over $170 million domestically, ranking #13 for 2010 releases) and an amazing ten Oscar nominations, “True Grit” was easily one of the most popular films of the last year. I had some issues with the piece overall but I’m ecstatic that a piece like this one outgrossed so many of the more obviously commercial entries from the holiday season. It serves as proof that quality can still be profitable and the excellent Blu-ray release from Paramount treats the film’s many fans with appropriate respect.

Blu-Ray Review: ‘TRON: Legacy’ Offers Spectacular Package For Hit Film

Tron Legacy

CHICAGO – “TRON: Legacy” may be a bit too long and pretty goofy but it delivers what one should expect from it — bright colors, inventive action, and a compelling enough story to keep viewers interested. I’ll admit to having pretty low expectations for the film, but I was surprised at how well it works on Blu-ray with a stellar HD transfer and accompanying audio mix along with fascinating special features, including an HD version of the film that inspired it.

Blu-Ray Review: Cult Favorite ‘The Last Unicorn’ Gets Lavish Release

The Last Unicorn

CHICAGO – History has a funny way of distorting the quality of a film. Don’t worry. I’m not here to tell you that “The Last Unicorn” only works through the haze of memory. It still features some striking visuals and reasonably strong storytelling, but it may not be the ’80s classic you conjure up when you hear a tune that reminds you of that cheesy theme song. The legions of adoring fans should definitely check this out but be prepared for what could be a let down.

Film Review: Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon Ride the Lonely Plain of ‘True Grit’

CHICAGO – “True Grit” seems like the perfect project for Joel and Ethan Coen; something they had been working toward their entire career. Not only had they made what could be considered a modern Western already in “No Country Old Men” but they were to bring together The Dude (Jeff Bridges) and Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) under the magnificent lens of the great Roger Deakins. It nearly had to be a masterpiece.

Film Review: Lopsided ‘TRON: Legacy’ is Heavy on Visuals, Light on Humanity

CHICAGO – Every great film is a delicate balance of a number of critical elements. Good films lack in one department while mediocre films have serious gaps that stick out like a red dress at a funeral. The overall mediocre “TRON: Legacy” is exceedingly fixated on its impressive visual effects while neglecting to focus on creating an evocative and humanized story.

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