Museum of Broadcast Communications

Interview: Filmmaker Anna Jung on ‘Women in Film Chicago’ 2015 Kick-Off

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CHICAGO – While the new year is still fresh, the Women in Film Chicago (WIFC) will have their Kick-Off Party on February 12, 2015. The networking event will take place at the Sarofsky Corporation in the Fulton Market District in Chicago – which is run by the 2014 WIFC Focus Award Honoree, Erin Sarofsky. Filmmaker Anna Jung is the Creative Director for the WIFC, and spoke to about the event.

Interviews: Women in Film Chicago 2014 Focus Award Honorees

CHICAGO – Women in Film (WIF) Chicago is a advocate group for women filmmakers, on-set professionals and executives in the creative arts, and every year they present their Focus Awards to significant contributors in those arenas. The honorees in 2014 were Shira Piven, Susan Credle, Erin Sarofsky and Christina Varotsis.

Interview: Dick Cavett at Chicago Museum of Broadcast Communications

CHICAGO – Saturday, June 21st, 2014, marked a special night at the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago – “A Salute to Dick Cavett.” The iconic talk show host, who seemingly knew every celebrity and newsmaker of the 20th Century, was honored for his broadcasting career, which has spanned over 50 years.

Interviews: Women in Film Chicago at the 2013 Focus Awards

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CHICAGO – Women in Film Chicago is one of the greatest Midwest advocates for women filmmakers. Every year, they present “Focus Awards” to honor notable female breakthroughs in the film and television business. Last October, they awarded their 2013 Focus Awards to Ky Dickens, Katy Mindeman and Lisa Wiegand.

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