Video Game Review: ‘Puzzle Chronicles’ Barely Satisfies

Puzzle Chronicles
HollywoodChicago.com Video Game Rating: 3.0/5.0
Video Game Rating: 3.0/5.0

CHICAGO – Those of us that are wildly addicted to “Bejeweled Blitz” and played through “Puzzle Quest” like a gleeful toddler with a new toy were pretty psyched that the developers of the latter, spectacular Nintendo DS title were releasing a DLC game called “Puzzle Chronicles”. Once again, our puzzle-loving persona could meld with the kid inside us who misses the days when he played Dungeons and Dragons in his basement. Sadly, “Puzzle Chronicles” only barely delivers.

Video Game Review: Explosive Good Time With ‘Just Cause 2’

CHICAGO – With elements of “Grand Theft Auto IV,” “Far Cry 2,” and “Red Faction Guerilla,” the excellent “Just Cause 2” delivers for gamers looking for an extensive, explosive open world experience. Incredibly detailed and filled with a variety of mission types, “Just Cause 2” consistently entertains despite a few notable flaws.

Video Game Review: Truly Remarkable Action of ‘Battlefield: Bad Company 2’

CHICAGO – If you notice that your multiplayer maps in “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” have been a little emptier lately it’s because everyone has picked up their weaponry and marched over to “Battlefield: Bad Company 2,” one of the best shooters ever released and a title that nearly everyone who has ever enjoyed an FPS will be playing through 2010 and beyond.

Video Game Review: ‘MLB 2K10’ Improves Franchise But Team Still Needs Work

MLB 2K10

CHICAGO – Last year’s baseball game courtesy of 2K Sports, “MLB 2K9,” was so glitch-heavy and poorly constructed that I assumed all of the wrinkles would be ironed out in the newest edition, “MLB 2K10”. To the credit of 2K Games and Visual Concepts, a lot of the problems have been streamlined but the game is still unacceptably glitch-heavy, resulting in an experience that is only intermittently rewarding. It’s kind of like being a Cubs fan.

Video Game Review: Dive Into Wildly Entertaining ‘Bioshock 2’

CHICAGO – It’s time to dive back into the world of Rapture, the setting of one of the most anticipated releases of 2010, “Bioshock 2,” the sequel to 2007’s game of the year. Wildly entertaining without being particularly groundbreaking, “Bioshock 2” could be considered a slight disappointment when compared to the first game, but then again so could most titles.

Video Game Review: ‘Dark Void’ Free Falls as First Disappointment of 2010

CHICAGO – There really is a void in the center of the first disappointment of 2010, a game that sucks in too much of its incredible potential into classic traps of the gaming world like thin storytelling, mediocre graphics, and, most damagingly, sketchy controls. “Dark Void” isn’t horrible but that’s faint praise indeed when one considers the expectations for this title and the cleverness of its concept.

Video Game Review: ‘James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game’ Looks Amazing, Plays Average

Avatar: The Game

CHICAGO – A movie as gigantic as James Cameron’s “Avatar” is bound to have a video game tie-in to go with it and one would assume that such a detailed and complex fantasy world as that created in the film threatening to be the highest grossing of all time would make for a wonderful virtual playground. One would be mostly correct in that “James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game” is one of the most beautiful in recent months. The gameplay is another story.

Video Game Review: Truly Awful ‘Rogue Warrior’ Fails on Every Level

Rogue Warrior

CHICAGO – We’ve become spoiled by the next generation of gaming. Most high-profile games have gone through enough research and development during their production and are made by such experienced developers that they rarely come out of the industry machine with little to no redeeming value at all. Sure, there are disappointments, but you don’t see as many complete bombs in the gaming world as you do in film, music, or TV. The exception to the rule is the truly awful “Rogue Warrior”.

Video Game Review: Epic ‘Dragon Age: Origins’ Sure to Satisfy RPG Fans

Dragon Age: Origins

CHICAGO – When I told a friend I was getting sucked into the world of the epic-length “Dragon Age: Origins” and worried about the time commitment and how much it would take away from the rest of my life, he used a phrase that I had never heard before: “the RPG hole”. Like a black hole, role-playing games have a way of sucking players in, and when the experience is as immersive, well-designed, and entertaining as “Origins,” it’s easy to see why.

Video Game Review: ‘NBA 2K10’ Dunks Over ‘NBA Live 10’

NBA 2K10

CHICAGO – It’s the same story every year. 2K Sports and Electronic Arts release their basketball video games at the same time and it’s impossible not to contrast and compare. This critic was looking forward to writing something like a scorecard, choosing which title wins in different fields like graphics, gameplay, presentation, etc.

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  • Invictus Theatre Network

    CHICAGO – In the last several years, how many times have you wanted to shout the “Mad as Hell” movie quote? Well, Invictus Theatre Co. has produced a stage adaptation of “Network” – with that quote shout worthy – at the Windy City Playhouse in Chicago through September 29th. For tickets/details, click HOWARD BEALE.

  • Emily in Paris

    CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com audio review for the streaming series “Emily in Paris” the adventures of Emily Cooper and her fanciful/fashionable Paris friends and lovers, now in its fourth season. Episodes 1-5 currently on Netflix.


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