Sam Worthington

DVD Review: Well-Acted ‘Texas Killing Fields’ Favors Characters Over Clichés

Texas Killing Fields Film Review

CHICAGO – Is there anything Chloë Grace Moretz can’t do? She’s earned big laughs as a snarky yet concerned sister in “(500) Days of Summer,” performed her own stunts as a vengeful hit girl in “Kick Ass,” brought startling pathos to the role of a smitten vampire in “Let Me In” and exuded Hepburn-esque grace in “Hugo,” all before the age of 15. Needless to say, her versatility is unmatched by any of her peers.

Interview: Actor Sam Worthington on Life as ‘Man on a Ledge’

CHICAGO – Sam Worthington is instantly recognizable for his break out role in “Avatar,” playing the Marine turned blue citizen of Na’vi. His follow-up was as Perseus in “Clash of the Titans,” and he will repeat that role in the upcoming “Wrath of the Titans.” Opening this week, he is the title character in “Man on a Ledge.” Hookup: 40 Pairs of Chicago Passes to ‘Man on a Ledge’ With Sam Worthington

CHICAGO – In our latest crime/thriller edition of Hookup: Film, we have 40 admit-two movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of “Man on a Ledge” starring Sam Worthington and Elizabeth Banks!

Blu-ray Review: Jessica Chastain Compensates For Flawed Script in ‘The Debt’

The Debt Blu-ray

CHICAGO – It’s little surprise that Jessica Chastain has received so much attention during this year’s awards season. Thanks to a series of release date delays, six of her films were released in 2011, each featuring an entirely different role for the strikingly versatile actress. From her slapstick pratfalls in “The Help” to her ethereal grace in “The Tree of Life,” Chastain displayed a remarkable range that has made it impossible for moviegoers to tear their eyes away from her.

Film Review: Incomprehensible Story, Uninteresting Characters Sink in ‘Texas Killing Fields’

Texas Killing Fields Oscarman rating: 2.0/5.0
Rating: 2.0/5.0

CHICAGO – Ami Canaan Mann’s “Texas Killing Fields” is further proof of just how difficult it is to do what David Fincher does so well. “TKF” may have echoes of “Seven” and “Zodiac” but none of the character, mood, or even cohesion of those films. The best word to describe this misstep is a “mess” as the movie jumps around between plotlines and characters and never gives the viewer the footing that would make them resonate as something worth caring about or entertaining. Hookup: 30 Pairs of Chicago Passes to ‘Texas Killing Fields’ With Sam Worthington

Texas Killing Fields with Sam Worthington

CHICAGO – In our latest crime/thriller edition of Hookup: Film, we have 30 admit-two movie passes up for grabs to the advance Chicago screening of the Michael Mann-produced “Texas Killing Fields” starring Sam Worthington (“Avatar”)!

Film Review: Performance of Exemplary Cast Collects on ‘The Debt’

CHICAGO – Re-imagining, almost re-engaging the evil of the Holocaust has been thoroughly examined in film for years. “The Debt” looks at another angle, that of revenge and how much that revenge can wreak havoc on the truth.

Blu-Ray Review: Incredible Release of ‘Avatar: Extended Collector’s Edition’

CHICAGO – In April, Fox released one of the best Blu-rays of the year for James Cameron’s “Avatar,” an edition that proved that the film would still work even without the theatrical benefits of 3D or IMAX. It was one of the most impressive-looking HD releases in history but the lack of special features made clear that a double dip was on its way. Seven months later, Fox unveils the “Avatar: Extended Collector’s Edition” and it is simply amazing.

Video Game Review: Awful ‘Clash of the Titans’ Makes Movie Look Good

Clash of the Titans Video Game Rating: 1.0/5.0
Video Game Rating: 1.0/5.0

CHICAGO – Video games are arguably in their golden age with a landmark new title like “Red Dead Redemption” or “Heavy Rain” released on a consistent basis. Even ignoring the quality at the top of the ladder, the fact is that there are more enjoyable and entertaining games to play than there are hours in the day. The relative success of the form makes something as truly horrible as “Clash of the Titans,” the tie-in for the recently-released-to-DVD film starring Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Gemma Arterton, all the more frustrating.

Blu-Ray Review: ‘Clash of the Titans’ Remake Lacks Imagination

Clash of the Titans remake Blu-Ray

CHICAGO – When a movie named “Clash of the Titans” elicits little more than a shrug and a yawn, it’s clear that something went wrong. There’s nothing in this picture that mainstream audiences haven’t seen last year, last month, or in the theater next door. It is assembled entirely out of recycled parts, lurching from one familiar set-piece to the next, as the heroes repeatedly encounter, in the words of one character, “just another beast to kill.”

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