Sylvester Stallone

Blu-ray Review: ‘Grudge Match’ is Strictly Lightweight

Grudge Match

CHICAGO – This forgettable time waster is mildly amusing as long as you don’t let yourself go into mourning over Robert Deniro’s career. But then again that almost goes without saying these days. Likewise Stallone who has had far more interesting career choices in the last decade than this. The pair play retired boxers who comes out of retirement for one last fight. One for the paycheck. The other to settle an old score.

Blu-ray Review: Even Villainous James Franco Can’t Save Dull ‘Homefront’


CHICAGO – Jason Statham has become an amorphous blob in the action genre, but an amorphous blob who is his own archetype, nonetheless. With the “Expendables” movies he began to take the genre torch from Sylvester Stallone, and now working from a script by Stallone in “Homefront”, his Americanization is nearly certified. That being said, watching Jason Statham tattoo a bald eagle on himself might be more enjoyable than his latest addition to a bloated filmography, “Homefront”. That, or staging a debate with Stallone and Statham about gun control.

Film Review: Two Old Stars Roast Their Images in ‘Grudge Match’

CHICAGO – Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro – between them they have over 150 film credits in careers stretching back to the 1960s. Two of their most famous roles, boxers Rocky and the Raging Bull, get the full make-fun-of treatment in the Christmas Day Film “Grudge Match.”

Film Review: Dull ‘Homefront’ Can’t Get Action Into an Action Movie

CHICAGO – Sylvester Stallone is a difficult man to comprehend, unless if doing a thesis on male menopause. The one time screenwriter of gritty soul pictures like “Rocky,” “Paradise Alley” and “First Blood” is spending his later years pumping out undistinguished boom-boom pictures like “Homefront.”

Film Review: Two Old Dogs Prove Very Entertaining in ‘Escape Plan’

CHICAGO – Great action movies have one truth in common – they mix their face-offs with a psychological battle, which complements the pyrotechnics of invincible super humans. “Escape Plan,” with grizzled veterans Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, is true to that form. Hookup: 40 Pairs of Passes to ‘Escape Plan’ with Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 40 pairs of advance-screening movie passes up for grabs to the new thrillerEscape Plan” starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Blu-ray Review: Sylvester Stallone’s ‘Bullet to the Head’ Misfires

Bullet to the Head

CHICAGO – “You had me at f**k you.” The gruff, primal tone of a line like that delivered by Sly Stallone and directed by the legendary Walter Hill has an undeniable B-movie kick but there’s not enough of that in “Bullet to the Head,” ceremoniously ignored in theaters and likely to find a bigger audience at home but still a disappointment. Don’t believe the hype that made this flick out to be a total disaster — Hill is too talented for that — but it is a misfire.

Film Review: ‘Bullet to the Head’ Could Motivate You to Do Same

CHICAGO – These are the times that try a film critic’s soul. Right after the awards season, and the lofty artistic films, comes the dump zone of January and the rejected reel orphans of the “industry.” Sylvester Stallone, once an Oscar winner, now “entertains” us with with harsh violence in the ‘Bullet to the Head.’ Hookup: 50 Pairs of Passes to ‘Bullet to the Head’ With Sylvester Stallone

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 50 pairs of movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of the highly anticipated “Bullet to the Head” with Sylvester Stallone!

Blu-ray Review: ‘Judge Dredd’ Lands For Direct Comparison to ‘Dredd 3D’

Judge Dredd

CHICAGO – My God, “Judge Dredd” is bad. I forgot how bad until I rewatched it in its recent Blu-ray edition, clearly timed to ride the wave of the release of “Dredd 3D” in theaters. The movie has been remastered well in HD but that’s about the last nice thing one can possibly say about it.

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