IMPROVED! You sir, are the robot (site's spam recognition)

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I was flagged as a spammer.'s picture


Spam filters have been greatly improved. Separately, we’re having another spam problem that’s still being efforted.'s picture

No. Drupal is the robot!

Dustin wrote:
I was flagged as a spammer.

No. Drupal is the robot! This is actually a really interesting test case. Here are my findings.

While users can proactively flag comments as spam (those go to admins for review), we also have a sophisticated system that analyzes a series of factors to do this for us even before users would have to. It will learn from its mistakes and get better, too.

This is the reason your post got flagged as spam and automatically unpublished:

spam_content_filter: 99% probability of being spam for node “On inviting people

url limit: repeated one url 32 times

I just looked at what the system unpublished, and while I’m not sure what you originally submitted, the system got a whole bunch of MySQL (database) error text (with a ton of repeating URLs) because your post failed to successfully submit.

That’s the first I’m seeing of that, but the spam system did do its job correctly. So, way to go Drupal. Bad Microsoft.

MagnoliaFan's picture

I Got Flagged Too

I tried to post “Choke” pics. I actually did ten minutes worth of HTML before it wouldn’t let me publish. Dang nabbit.'s picture

Here's why

You posted nine links to other sites. I had the system set to flag a post as spam when a post links to five other sites. I’ve gone ahead and upped that limit to 10 and made your post live:

The images are very large, though, so that post will take a while to load for someone who’s not on broadband. It’s advised to load images that aren’t quite so large.

Dustin's picture

But what about someone

But what about someone that’s not Shane and posts something that large? Will it hurt anything to our site?'s picture

It doesn't hurt anything. Just might be annoying for some.

It doesn’t hurt anything except it might be annoying for some people to click on a link that has to download 10 or 15 MB worth of images. If the person isn’t on broadband, it’d be especially annoying and the person probably wouldn’t wait.

Dustin's picture

So do we get to see the pics

So do we get to see the pics or not?

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