Podtalk: FACETS Chicago Honors Chaz Ebert on Sept. 28, 2022

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CHICAGO – Chaz Ebert carries on. The standard bearer for representing Chicago’s film world also continues her advocation for the community beyond film, since the passing of her husband Roger Ebert in 2013. Chaz will be honored by FACETS Chicago at their Screen Gems Benefit on September 28th, 2022.

“Chaz is so deserving of this honor as she is passionate about programs that help break the glass ceiling for women and people of color and that provide education and arts opportunities for women, children, and families. We are inspired by her extraordinary contributions to the industry and eagerly anticipate honoring her this year with the FACETS Legend Award,” said FACETS Executive Director Karen Cardarelli when announcing the honor. Film critic Michael Phillips will host the tribute.

Chaz Ebert Honored by FACETS Chicago
Photo credit: FACETS.org

Chaz Hammel Ebert was born in Chicago, and was an attorney when she met Roger Ebert and married him in 1992. Since Roger’s passing in 2013, she has carried on their work as the publisher of the Roger Ebert website, the host of the annual downstate Ebertfest and her charitable pursuits both in film and in support of human rights. Last year, she was the Executive Producer on the well-received film “Passing,” the directorial debut of actor Rebecca Hall. She also serves as a trustee of Chicago’s Art Institute and on the board of the Lyric Opera.

In a Podtalk with Patrick McDonald of HollywoodChicago.com, Chaz Ebert talks about her life today, and what’s still on her bucket list …

FACETS Chicago honors Chaz Ebert on September 28th, 2022, with the Legend Award. FACETS in a non-profit film theatre center located at 1517 West Fullerton Avenue, Chicago. In association with the benefit, there is a online auction through September 28th. Click SCREEN GEMS to participate. For more info on FACETS, click FACETS.org.

HollywoodChicago.com senior staff writer Patrick McDonald

Editor, Film Writer

© 2022 Patrick McDonald, HollywoodChicago.com

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