Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Film Feature: The 10 Best Documentaries of 2012

CHICAGO – Call me a critical cheater but I separated out documentary films from my traditional Best of 2012 but I don’t want to let the strong year for non-fiction film go un-recapped. The broad variety of documentary work in 2012 was incredibly notable from true crime stories to historical documents to stories of cities in crisis. Let’s hope 2013 is just as strong for the form.

Film Review: ‘Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry’ Stands as One of 2012’s Most Important Films

Ai Weiwei Never Sorry Film Review

CHICAGO – Every person who was mystified by the meaning of the “Free Ai Weiwei” shirts and petitions that in were vogue last year owe it to themselves to see Alison Klayman’s excellent documentary. Moviegoers will be hard-pressed to find a more riveting and vital film in theaters this year. It may not have a satisfying ending, but that’s because its real-life tale has (thankfully) yet to reach a conclusion. Hookup: Free Prize Packs to Sundance’s ‘Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry’

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry movie poster

CHICAGO – In our latest edition of Hookup: Film, we have two prize packs up for grabs to the new Sundance Selects film “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry” on Ai Weiwei: one of China’s most famous artists and activists! The film opens in Chicago on Aug. 3, 2012.

Interview: Director Alison Klayman of ‘Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry’

Ai WeiWei: Never Sorry

CHICAGO – The behemoth that is China, in both population and world dominance, has its underbelly exposed through the new documentary, “Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry.” Written and directed by American expatriate Alison Klayman, this documentary of a famous Chinese artist named Ai Weiwei – whose dissident artistic expression woke up his fellow citizens and invited scrutiny from a angry government – is a one-of-a-kind story.

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