CHICAGO – If you’ve never seen the farcical ensemble theater chestnut “Noises Off,” you will see no better version than on the Steppenwolf Theatre stage, now at their northside Chicago venue through November 3rd. For tickets and details for this riotous theater experience, click NOISES OFF.
Patrick Huard
Film Review: Son Can’t Rise Beyond His Fate in Emotional ‘Mommy’
Submitted by PatrickMcD on January 30, 2015 - 10:38pmCHICAGO – One of the odd unexplainable quirks of human existence is the shaping, variations and thoughts of our inner being. The physicality in the structure of the grey matter of the brain, with the slightest imperfection, can make the difference in a lifetime of behavior and perspective. Sometimes it can work out, and sometimes different consequences are created or destroyed, like the story of Diane Després in “Mommy.”
Film Review: Hilarious ‘Starbuck’ Reinvents the Family Film
Submitted by PatrickMcD on March 30, 2013 - 11:43amCHICAGO – “You’ll believe a man can have 533 children” might be a better tagline than, “You’ll believe a man can fly.” The extremely funny new Canadian film “Starbuck” will not only make you a true believer, but also loudly professes a romantic and gooey refrain that is sometimes necessary in a cold, cynical world. Hookup: 25 Pairs of Passes to Film Festival Hit ‘Starbuck’
Submitted by on March 19, 2013 - 10:48pmCHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 25 pairs of movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of the film festival hit “Starbuck” (a French-language comedy) starring Patrick Huard!