
Pride2024: Jerry Nunn, Co-Sponsor of 1st LGBTQ+ Critic’s Choice Celebration, June 7, 2024

Jerry Nunn

CHICAGO – When one of Chicago’s own critic/entertainment reporters is instrumental in achieving a LGBTQ+ celebration during Pride Month, it’s a cause for OUR PRIDE. Jerry Nunn is that achiever, and he will oversee … as Co-Sponsor and Programmer … the Inaugural Critic’s Choice Celebration of LGBTQ+ Cinema & Television on June 7th, 2024, at the Los Angeles Fairmont Hotel. Besides the creme of presenters and honorees scheduled for the event, it is Jerry who spearheaded the effort to make this celebration happen.

Podtalk: Programmer Kyle Cubr on ‘Godzilla vs. Music Box (Theatre)’ from June 7-13, 2024

Godzilla vs. Music Box 2024

CHICAGO – Run for your lives, Chicago, or run to the historic Music Box Theatre for “Godzilla vs. Music Box,” an unprecedented mega-festival celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the World’s Most Famous Reptile. Besides presented by the Music Box and the Japanese Arts Foundation, GvMB is programmed and curated by Kyle Cubr, Music Box Senior Operations Manager by day, Godzilla Enthusiast through at all other times. The series unspools from June 7th-13th, 2024, for schedule, tickets and details, click GvMB for tickets/details.

Interview: Collin Souter, Short Film Programmer for the 2017 Chicago Critics Film Festival

Collin Souter

CHICAGO – In all film festivals, the real hidden talent can often be found in the Short Films Program. This is the beginning for many great filmmakers, and it is up to the film reporters and programmers to unearth these creative jewels. Film Critic and Writer Collin Souter is the Short Films Programmer for the Chicago Critics Film Festival (CCFF), and the fest will be presenting two separate programs on May 13th and 14th, 2017, during the run of the festival, which takes place from May 12th through May 18th at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre (details below).

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