Shia LaBeouf

Film Review: ‘American Honey’ is a New National Anthem for All of Us

American Honey

CHICAGO – The America we find ourselves in today would never have been imagined by our ancestors. Sure, we don’t have flying cars or robotic house servants but we do have different ways of life. “American Honey” shows the sweet and sour side of my generation’s new American Dream while keeping it infinitely relatable to everyone.

Film Review: World War II Drama ‘Fury’ Fires on All Cylinders


CHICAGO – “Fury” just might be Brad Pitt’s “Saving Private Ryan.” At its heart it’s a crowd pleaser, but it never shies away from the sheer brutality of war. While it doesn’t have anything quite so devastating as “Saving Private Ryan’s” D-day sequence, it depicts the everyday horrors of killing the enemy and the men who must force themselves to make their peace with the casualties that pile up in the muck. “Fury” is equally successful in its battle sequences and in its smaller moments among its crew inside the tank. Most surprisingly of all it coaxes a decent, dare I say good, performance out of none other than Shia LaBeouf – wonders never cease.

Film Review: Brutal Next Chapter Defines ‘Nymphomaniac: Vol. 2’

Nymphomaniac: Vol. 2

CHICAGO – The exploration of sexuality is a stark breakthrough in the “Nymphomaniac” film series by writer/director Lars von Trier. In the story of a woman interacting with her nature, there are shades of all physically active individuals. “Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1” covered the younger days of the main character of Joe. Vol. 2 takes her to the next, and more brutal phase – challenging her life and her disposition.

Slideshow: Exclusive Portraits of Stars Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe of ‘Nymphomaniac’

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Uma Thurman in 2009, Portrays Mrs. H. in ‘Nymphomaniac.’

CHICAGO – The release of the controversial new film from Lars von Trier, “Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1,” took place on March 21st. This is part of a two volume “Nymphomaniac” film series, featuring Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe and Connie Nielsen. Photographer Joe Arce of offers Exclusive Portraits of all three cast members from past appearances in Chicago.

Film Review: Nature, Morality Collide in ‘Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1’

Nymphomaniac: Vol 1

CHICAGO – Director and writer Lars von Trier creates exposure through his film art. He is unafraid to explore the very nature of being human, while at the same time revealing the very foibles of barriers to our nature – social structures, economies, religion and our own conceits in life. Lars von Trier’s latest barrier breaker is “Nymphomaniac: Vol. 1.”

2014 Sundance Diary, Day 6: Wrapping it Up with a Twisted Double Feature

Park City was abuzz on the final day with guesses as to what the secret screening known as “Film X” would be on Tuesday night. Could it be Wes Anderson’s “Grand Budapest Hotel”? Maybe “Foxcatcher,” which was almost done in time for awards season and so may be now? “Snowpiercer”? The new Kevin Smith? “Star Wars, Episode VII”?

Film Review: Annoying, Inconsistent ‘Charlie Countryman’ with Shia LaBeouf

Charlie Countryman Oscarman rating: 1.5/5.0
Rating: 1.5/5.0

CHICAGO – What happens when you give people two months in Romania to make a movie about a lost soul dealing with grief, love, drug use, and general excess? You get a spoiled, bizarre, annoying piece of work like “Charlie Countryman,” starring talented people given absolutely nothing to do that proves that talent. It’s a film more in love with slow-motion shots of its abrasive lead running to electronic dance music than anything approaching character or plot. It’s like watching the travel video of the most annoying guy you know.

Blu-ray Review: Sleepy Thriller ‘The Company You Keep’ Boasts Starry Cast

The Company You Keep Blu-ray

CHICAGO – Robert Redford has slowly become that grandfatherly figure who spends his time in the corner at family gatherings, lecturing nearby whippersnappers on the importance of challenging authority, while reminiscing about the war protests of generation’s past. He’s a well-meaning guy, but his crusty words of wisdom could use a shot of adrenaline. Hookup: 30 Pairs of Passes to ‘The Company You Keep’ With Robert Redford

CHICAGO – In the latest Hookup: Film with our unique social giveaway technology, we have 30 pairs of movie passes up for grabs to the advance screening of “The Company You Keep” starring Robert Redford!

Film Review: Tom Hardy Leads Great Cast in Disappointing ‘Lawless’

CHICAGO – John Hillcoat’s “Lawless,” based on Matt Bondurant’s “The Wettest County in the World,” is one of the most high profile disappointments of 2012, a film with an amazing cast that suffocates under the weight of an inconsistent script, a boring lead, and a complete lack of narrative drive.

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