Rumors of Vanessa Hudgens Audition For ‘New Moon’ Denied

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CHICAGO – Not so fast, “New Moon” fans. It turns out that the widely circulated rumors that Vanessa Hudgens had auditioned for the role of Leah Clearwater in “New Moon,” the highly anticipated sequel to “Twilight,” were completely false.

Summit Entertainment and sources within Vanessa Hudgens’ camp told Entertainment Weekly this afternoon that somebody made it up because no one is considering the “High School Musical” star for any role in the about-to-shoot “New Moon.”

Earlier this week, Ashley Greene, a cast member from “Twilight” who will also appear in “New Moon,” revealed to MTV that Vanessa Hudgens had tried out for the role of werewolf Leah Clearwater, a major character from Stephenie Meyer’s second book in her insanely popular book franchise. It’s unclear where Greene got that idea or if someone from MTV mis-reported it, but the rumor spread like wildfire and now Summit and even Hudgens’ people are denying it.

Vanessa Hudgens arrives at the 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 11, 2009
Vanessa Hudgens arrives at the 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 11, 2009
Photo credit: Dave Bjerke/NBC

“New Moon” is slated for release on Nov. 20, 2009 from Summit Entertainment even though it hasn’t started filming or, clearly, even casting yet. The “Twilight” sequel will be directed by Chris Weitz and star Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner.

This is the second piece of “New Moon” casting controversy in just the last week, as rumors of Lautner not reprising his role as Jacob Black caused quite a stir, especially on our slideshow for Summit’s 2009 release slate.

Director Chris Weitz revealed on Stephenie Meyer’s web site last week that Lautner would reprise the role, saying, “The characters in Stephenie’s books go through extraordinary changes of circumstance and also appearance; so it is not surprising that there has been speculation about whether the same actor would portray a character who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series.

But it was my first instinct that Taylor was, is, and should be Jacob, and that the books would be best served by the actor who is emotionally right for the part. I think that fans of ‘Twilight’ the book and the movie will be surprised by the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in ‘New Moon;’ and I’m looking forward to working with him and the rest of the cast in realizing the film.”

“Twilight”, starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, from director Catherine Hardwicke, has grossed $178 million domestically, putting the sequel, “New Moon,” into production immediately. Other books in the Stephenie Meyer series include “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn”.

StarRead our Robert Pattinson story on “Parts Per Billion” and “New Moon”.
StarSee our 2009 Summit release slideshow with “New Moon”.
StarSee our high-quality, 28-image “Twilight” slideshow.
StarRead our “Twilight” opening-weekend box-office story.
StarRead our “Twilight” sequel story prior to opening weekend.
StarRead our story about Taylor Lautner’s casting in “New Moon”. content director Brian Tallerico

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Anonymous's picture

who cares who plays her,

who cares who plays her, NOTHING could make that movie WORSE
(man am I gonna get a beating from fans for saying this) but seriously that catherine lady did the worst job possible for the movie BIG LET DOWN!! and who decided to cast Kirsten or kristen to play bella, bella is whiney and annoying weaheas the actress that plays her is just plane emotionless and bad at acting, and Robert paattinson? the guy is scary … and I mean Scarily ugly ewww, Taylor lautner can’t be Jacob he is too small and ugly … but there are some good things about it, jasper, Emmett, carlisle and Alice have been casted goodly -yeah I know that’s not a word- Oh yeah and Nikki Read WTF IS UP WITH THAT, ALice is taller than her FOR GOODNESS SAKE PEOPLE, Have you no shame???

okay rant over - Jackson rathbone is hot, and I got way off topic at the end, long story short, I don’t really care who plays leah
(just my opinion okay?? not directed to anyone and yes, I have read the books and THEY WERE CRAP [I’m just digging an even deeper hole])

Anonymous's picture

what are you talking about

okkkkkkayyy you are completely blind of this whole thing you need to keep your opinion to yourself and if you read one book and didnt like it then why did you read the other ones but o well think what you want thats all i got to say to you

nice's picture


well it is great if she gets the part.
if she doesnt she will get another chance on another movie.
every person has there own uniqueness on acting.
people dont judge if you dont know her every person
that comes in a movie come cause of their talent.
your a great actressssss vanessa

Anonymous's picture


Wow… If Venessa Hudgens played Leah it wouldn’t be able to get worse then that!!!!How would she even be able to play Leah. And if Venessa played Leah she would have to be Leah for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn too, and that is NOT going to happen!!!

Anonymous's picture

Wow, you have no idea what

Wow, you have no idea what you’re talking about, if you read the books and thought they were crap, why would you continue the series after the first book? That my friend is Sheer stupidity, i would love to see you write a book. Bella is exactly the way Kristen played her, she’s a boring girl. She doesnt play sports and can’t do anything creative. Learn how to spell as well please, people in America are so rediculously uneducated.

Anonymous's picture

Sigh….Silly Twi-tards.

Sigh….Silly Twi-tards. Good Movies are for Responsible Adults. So Hudgens would be perfect for any role in the movie, obviously.

Laura! 's picture



Anonymous's picture

vanessa sucks at singing and acting!!

she did audition for the part and because she didnt get it, she wants to deny ever doing it!!!

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