Dakota Fanning Talks About ‘Twilight’ Sequel ‘New Moon’

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CHICAGODakota Fanning has been doing publicity for the upcoming releases of “Push” and “Coraline,” and she spoke to MTV about the possibility of playing Jane in “New Moon,” the highly anticipated sequel to “Twilight”.

The 15-year-old Fanning told MTV, “I know that a lot of people know about it. I’m glad that people are excited about me possibly being in it. That’s so nice!”

How likely is that Dakota Fanning will appear with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Ashley Greene in the Chris Weitz-directed sequel to “Twilight”? “I wouldn’t say it’s 100 perecent, but it’s definitely, obviously a possibility and something that would be really cool.”

Fanning would play a sadistic Volturi guard with the power to inflict immense pain on those who cross her. It’s not the usual part for the young star. She revealed, “It’s definitely something that I look forward to. I think you have to do all kinds [of roles], and eventually I am going to be the person you hate in a movie. And that’s the fun thing about acting: You can be sweet and be mean at the same time in different films.”

Why would Dakota Fanning be a good fit for Jane? “We’re both pale. … I don’t think they’d have to put a lot of makeup on me if it works out. I’m pretty pale as it is.”

Dakota Fanning
Dakota Fanning in Push
Photo credit: John P. Johnson/Summit Publicity

Hold on to your hats, “New Moon” fans. Fanning admits that she hasn’t even read the book. “I haven’t read all of them. But I have seen the film, and I’m a very big fan of the cast. I love all of them. I would look forward to getting to work with them.”

And what about starring opposite Robert Pattinson? “He is very, very cute. The part that I play gets to interact with a lot of the characters, so that would be cool. [The Volturi] are kind of mean. I think it would be definitely a different part than I’ve ever played — and I’d get to be a little evil for once.”

Dakota Fanning didn’t address rumors that Vanessa Hudgens and Lucy Hale have auditioned for roles in “New Moon”.

“Twilight,” which stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene and Taylor Lautner from director Catherine Hardwicke, has grossed $178 million domestically. This has put the “New Moon” sequel into production immediately and has spawned a series of casting rumors. Other books in the Stephenie Meyer series include “Eclipse” and “Breaking Dawn”.

StarRead our story about Lucy Hale auditioning for “New Moon”.
StarRead our story about Dakota Fanning auditioning for “New Moon”.
StarRead our Vanessa Hudgens role denial story for “New Moon”.
StarRead our Robert Pattinson story on “Parts Per Billion” and “New Moon”.
StarSee our 2009 Summit release slideshow with “New Moon”.
StarSee our high-quality, 28-image “Twilight” slideshow.
StarRead our “Twilight” opening-weekend box-office story.
StarRead our “Twilight” sequel story prior to opening weekend.
StarRead our story about Taylor Lautner’s casting in “New Moon”.

HollywoodChicago.com content director Brian Tallerico

Content Director

Leslie's picture

omg i really hope fanning

omg i really hope fanning ISN’T gonna get any part in new moon.
A. she’s already a star. i wanna see new faces or unfamiliar faces in the sequal. (that doesn’t include ppl from Twilight-those ppl can stay 4 sure)
and B. she may be 15, but she looks more like a 10-year-old to me. i just dont see her playing the part of a vampire. besides she’s been “nice girl” is like all the movies she’s been in.
well the main thing is: I DONT WANT TO C HER FACE IN NEW MOON!!!!!

Anonymous's picture

I second that!!!!

I second that!!!!

Samantha's picture

WHAT!! i really don’t like

WHAT!! i really don’t like Dakota Fanning AT ALL!!!! Jane is supposed to be like heartless! all the movies fanning’s been in had her playing someone not like that!!!! SHE LOOKS FREAKING 10!!! i agree with Leslie i wanna see new faces not ones i’ve seen everywhere it makes the movie more worth watching!!

Leslie's picture

Thank you 4 agreeing with

Thank you 4 agreeing with me!!!

Suze's picture


A bunch of little kids might like Dakota Fanning but I promise you that me and my friends can’t stand her. I don’t want to sound mean, but she would SPOIL NEW MOON and that would be so bad for all of us. My little sister said Dakota Fanning is in EVERY movie. She’s right! Don’t ruin New Moon and put Dakota Fanning in it, too. Twilight stands on its own with cool, pretty unknown stars, which make Twilight very special! Don’t use pop stars!!!!! No Dakota Fanning!!!!

Marcus's picture

Hollywood Sucks

I don’t think this new director knows what to do, except the usual Hollywood thing. He’s going to try to fill all the roles with faces that are well-known, rather than taking the risk of using a fabulous new face and talent. It is my worst fear that he is going to destroy the art that was Twilight and turn New Moon into a generic Hollywood blah, just like the rest of his movies. I think Summit is responsible for this. They are so worried about profit that they dumped a truly great film artist, Catherine Hardwicke, to play it safe with overused, mediocre actors already familiar to the public. NO DAKOTA FANNINGPLEASE!!!!!

lis's picture

i agree

i deffinetly agree with everyone here who thinks dakota fanning shouldn’t be in new moon it will just totally ruin the whole series.
you should have new faces in the film not already famous ones as that will ruin the movie and make it less of a twilight movie.
when reading the books you would not picture an already famous star as one of the characters, you need to bring in up and coming actors and actresses, not already major stars.

Anonymous's picture

give the girl a chance

I think you all need to seriously chillax, big time!!
I highly doubt because of Dakota’s small part in the film it’s going to ruin New Moon, I say we give the girl a chance she is an amazing actress and I do not think because she has been in alot of movies she should be victimised, I think she can pull it off and I think we should give her a chance to proove that to the rest of the world and the Twilight fans that she can do it…..

Ivy's picture

I agree wit leslie

I agree wit leslie…… i think that putting Dakota Fanning in as Jane would be the worst mistake for New Moon, and the other two, but not because i dont like her, just because i think that she doesnt fit the part.Dakota Fanning is an amazing actress, but this movie just isnt her thing, she looks to young, and also she looks to sweet to be Jane. And if you think that Dakota could be “perfect” for Jane, then obviously you havent read the books, this movie insnt her style….. I think i could be a better Jane and I wish that I would have gone after the part, but I didnt,but still, I think that i could play Jane better than Dakota….

Leslie's picture

well i suggest u mind ur own

well i suggest u mind ur own buisness. its obvious a lot of people don’t want her to be in new moon. and if we r lucky she wont be. in like all the movies shes been in, she stars as a sweet little child. so wat if she only has a small part in the movie. i still dont want her in it. and u no the part in the book where jane hurts Edward with her mind? well if dakota does that i will hate her even more!!!!

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