Clash of the Titans

Blu-ray Review: Relentlessly Bland ‘Wrath of the Titans’ Ultimately Bores

Wrath of the Titans Blu-ray

CHICAGO – Just because a tale is enormously influential and older than the hills doesn’t mean that it’s foolproof. Just ask “John Carter.” Or “Mirror Mirror.” What makes the “Titans” franchise particularly unseemly is its air of smugness. It trashed Ray Harryhausen’s admittedly outdated 1981 version of “Clash of the Titans” in its 2010 remake, but failed to establish a personality of its own.

Film Review: Loud, Boring ‘Wrath of the Titans’ Deserves Godly Vengeance

CHICAGO – 2010’s “Clash of the Titans” was a surprising box office smash, making almost $500 million worldwide. That kind of money demands a sequel, but what to call it? “Clash of the Titans 2” wouldn’t be exciting enough but it should sound similar.

Interview: Actor Sam Worthington on Life as ‘Man on a Ledge’

CHICAGO – Sam Worthington is instantly recognizable for his break out role in “Avatar,” playing the Marine turned blue citizen of Na’vi. His follow-up was as Perseus in “Clash of the Titans,” and he will repeat that role in the upcoming “Wrath of the Titans.” Opening this week, he is the title character in “Man on a Ledge.”

DVD Review: ‘The Disappearance of Alice Creed’ Holds Interest Despite Flaws

The Disappearance of Alice Creed DVD

CHICAGO – There is no doubt that Gemma Arterton is a pretty face. Her natural beauty is so intoxicating that it nearly always upstages whatever talent may reside beneath her scintillating surface. Her aggressively bland work in mediocre action fare like “Clash of the Titans” and “Prince of Persia” had convinced me that she was nothing more than a non-thinking man’s Rachel Weisz.

Video Game Review: Awful ‘Clash of the Titans’ Makes Movie Look Good

Clash of the Titans Video Game Rating: 1.0/5.0
Video Game Rating: 1.0/5.0

CHICAGO – Video games are arguably in their golden age with a landmark new title like “Red Dead Redemption” or “Heavy Rain” released on a consistent basis. Even ignoring the quality at the top of the ladder, the fact is that there are more enjoyable and entertaining games to play than there are hours in the day. The relative success of the form makes something as truly horrible as “Clash of the Titans,” the tie-in for the recently-released-to-DVD film starring Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Gemma Arterton, all the more frustrating.

Blu-Ray Review: ‘Clash of the Titans’ Remake Lacks Imagination

Clash of the Titans remake Blu-Ray

CHICAGO – When a movie named “Clash of the Titans” elicits little more than a shrug and a yawn, it’s clear that something went wrong. There’s nothing in this picture that mainstream audiences haven’t seen last year, last month, or in the theater next door. It is assembled entirely out of recycled parts, lurching from one familiar set-piece to the next, as the heroes repeatedly encounter, in the words of one character, “just another beast to kill.”

Interview: Producer Richard Zanuck of ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ ‘Jaws’

CHICAGO – In Hollywood studio royalty, there might be no one as royal as Richard D. Zanuck. Besides being the son of Darryl F. Zanuck, one of the founders of the movie studio system, Richard Zanuck has made his own mark as producer of “Jaws,” “Driving Miss Daisy,” and Tim Burton’s 3-D “Alice in Wonderland.”

‘Clash of the Titans’ Bores More Often Than Thrills

CHICAGO – The unjustified remake of the ’80s camp-fest “Clash of the Titans” may have been re-purposed for the trend of 3-D but its performances are still tragically 2-D and its plot practically see-through.

Blu-Ray Review: Original 1981 ‘Clash of the Titans’ Deserves Better Re-Release

Clash Of The Titans Blu-Ray

CHICAGO – The Winter Olympics coverage on NBC made it impossible for viewers to ignore the fact that there is indeed a “Clash of the Titans” remake coming out in April. This may seem redundant, since the vast majority of modern fantasy has in some way ripped off Greek mythology. Both “Harry Potter” and “Percy Jackson” include a variation on Medusa, the reptilian villain with snake hair and a stoney stare.

2010 Warner Bros. Picture Preview: ‘Sex and the City 2,’ ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street,’ ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’

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Denzel Washington as Eli in Alcon Entertainments action adventure film The Book Of Eli, a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

CHICAGO – Warner Brothers has released a slate of images from their entire 2010 schedule of films, including “The Book of Eli,” “Edge of Darkness,” “Valentine’s Day,” “Untitled Cop Movie,” “Hubble 3D,” “Clash of the Titans,” “The Losers,” “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” “Sex and the City 2,” “Jonah Hex,” “The Lottery Ticket,” “The Town,” “Flipped,” “Going the Distance,” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” and “Life As We Know It”.

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